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I have problem with an expression in QV and I wonder could anyone help me with this case.
I would like to use an expression as a link (3) and not to show expression result (4) as a web address. I would like to show expession result as some other text for example "Invoice Image", but the link behind the text still works.
Like this,
For an Expression Keep Representation as LINK and Expression should be like this,
=if(Score>=0,'URL'&'<URL>https://www.google.com/',Score) |
and you can address your required info on URL like this,
=if(Score<=0,'google.com'&'<URL>https://www.google.com/',Score) |
=if(Score<=0,'Invoice Image'&'<URL>https://www.google.com/',Score) |
Hope this Helps,
The syntax for a link (DisplayText<url>LinkText) gives you the option to use any text as label for the link. So something like ='MyText<URL>'http://www.site.com/page.html?ID=' & [PageID] will show MyText as the label for the url.
Like this,
For an Expression Keep Representation as LINK and Expression should be like this,
=if(Score>=0,'URL'&'<URL>https://www.google.com/',Score) |
and you can address your required info on URL like this,
=if(Score<=0,'google.com'&'<URL>https://www.google.com/',Score) |
=if(Score<=0,'Invoice Image'&'<URL>https://www.google.com/',Score) |
Hope this Helps,
Thanks both of you for your answers to my question. They helped me a lot, but I did not get the end result that I was searching for. My question was unprecise.
Hirish answer (Image) works well inside the QV-file and the end result was what I was looking for, but the link does not work in PDF-report.
Gysbert answer (Image 2) works well in PDF-report but the expression text is rather too long.
I think that it is not possible that the link works well in both QV and PDF-files? Am I wrong? But is it possible to creáte an expression which has the same end result than Hirish formula has but it works in PDF-file?
Its an Issue with the Format of the data we are showing on the Qlikview. If it begins with a 'Http:// ' or 'WWW' Means It will work as a link.
So make sure your text start like that Means it will work.Please check i have made a modification in my post above.
Hope this Helps,