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who can explaim me this?
I want to connect to BW of SAP but in the mannual I have tihsi information, and for me it is in chinnese.
1. Add the following authorization objects:
S_RFC i. ACTVT: 16 ii. RFC_NAME: RFC1, RRT0, RSAB, RSOB, SDIFRUNTIME, SYST,OCSB, SYSU, SRTT iii. RFC_TYPE: FUGR S_TABU_LIN i. ACTVT: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) ii. ORG_CRIT: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iii. ORG_FIELD1: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iv. ORG_FIELD2: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) v. ORG_FIELD3: Restrict according to customer (* to access all)
vi. ORG_FIELD4: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) vii. ORG_FIELD5: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) viii. ORG_FIELD6: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) ix. ORG_FIELD7: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) x. ORG_FIELD8: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) S_RS_AUTH i. BIAUTH: 0BI_ALL S_RS_COMP i. ACTVT: 03,16, 22 ii. RSINFOAREA: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iii. RSINFOCUBE: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iv. RSZCOMPID: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) v. RSZCOMPTYPE: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) S_RS_COMP1 i. ACTVT: 03, 16, 22 ii. RSINFOAREA: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iii. RSZCOMPID: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iv. RSZCOMPTYPE: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) v. RSZOWNER: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) S_RS_ERPT i. ACTVT: 03, 16, 22 ii. RSERPTID: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iii. RSZOWNER: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) S_RS_HIER i. ACTVT: 71 ii. RSHIENM: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iii. RSIOBJNM: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iv. RSVERSION: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) S_RS_ICUBE i. ACTVT: 03 ii. RSCUBEOBJ: DATA, DEFINITION iii. RSINFOAREA: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iv. RSINFOCUBE: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) S_RS_MPRO i. ACTVT: 03 ii. RSINFOAREA: Restrict according to customer (* to access all)
iii. RSMPRO: Restrict according to customer (* to access all) iv. RSMPROBJ: DATA, DEFINITION 2. Create one or more download user(s) with the above role. Do not use the same download user as the SQL connector.
a. Go to transaction SU01. b. Click Create (F8). c. Give the user a name and a password. d. On the Logon data tab, assign the user to User Type: Service or Communications. e. On the Roles tab, add the role just created. 3. If download users with different access rights to cubes/queries are needed, copy the role created above and change the second role according to the requirements. Create a new user with the second role assigned.
Hi Olga,
In this document you can read all about how to install the connectors:
Qlik Connector for SAP - Installation guide v7.0.0
After that you can read about how to use them in the online help: