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Q&A with Qlik: Visualizations

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Q&A with Qlik: Visualizations

Last Update:

Dec 1, 2023 4:25:55 AM

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Created date:

Dec 1, 2023 4:25:55 AM



  • Qlik Cloud
  • Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows


This is Q&A with Qlik today we're going to be talking about Visualizations. My name is Troy Raney; I'm a Digital Support Program Manager and I largely work putting together webinars and videos like this one. Today we've got a pretty awesome expert panel for you: the two Patricks together again. Patrik Lundblad, you want to say a little bit about yourself?
Hello everyone, my name is Patrik Lundblad. I'm a Lead Product Designer. So, I usually try to represent the users in our meetings; talk about how our users are using our product; what's the value of our product; what are people trying to achieve; and. So, on; that's my main task at Qlik.
That's great, and Patric Nordström?
Yes, my name is Patric Nordström. I'm a Product Manager at Qlik overseeing the Qlik Sense Visualizations and Geo Analytics and a couple of other things as well. I work in the - I set together the road map and I spend half of my time talking to customers and the other half trying to influence R&D to build stuff that everybody likes.
That's great, thanks guys. All right. So, if you have any questions, you'd like to ask these two gentlemen, go ahead and submit them or anything regarding visualizations and analytics. We've already got a couple questions coming in. So, I'll just take them from the top. What's the best way to find out about new features with Qlik Cloud and other Qlik products?
Yeah, I mean; it's actually a daunting task to keep track of everything that we release. So, but a good source for new information is of course to have a Qlik Cloud account, and watch all the product announcements that you get in-app. We do also have the product Innovation blog where we write perhaps a bit longer articles and also the Qlik Design blog is a nice resource; of course you could also keep track of the Qlik Sense Cloud change log for everything new.
Yeah, I just happen to have product Innovation blog up here it is on Qlik Community, but I'll post the links to those resources along the recording. So, yeah keep an eye out for that okay next question: do you have a suggestion for how to best visualize customer retention? Looking for activity month-to-month.
Yeah customer retention then yeah or do you want to go Patrik?
You start.
I thought first I didn't hear the last part about time over time or Time by month by month and then it's just a boring KPI moving from one month to another where you could use a line chart or a bar chart but if it's retention where you want to find where your sources are for your retention I think the sanky shot would be a great way toto visualize that you can see where your customers fall off yes thank you CH okay and I have a slightly different answer if you don't want to know where things are dropping off you just want to see how many people you have I can share my screen and Show an example from the community sure then I think actually a p table or table would be appropriate. So, if you go in here, you can see here that I have a p table with the months I can see there that how many people we start out with a certain amount of people how many people have we left per month how many people are dropping off. So, very simple Le chart but it actually gives you that kind of funnel of seeing how many people still remain after a couple of months but depends on want to know exact amount of people do you know what want to know why they're dropping off yeah different chart different purposes
Definitely. Okay next question: how to get monthly latency report on Qlik Attunity I don't know if that's something you guys have any familiarity with I'm trying to stick to analytics but the questions there. Anybody have a good answer?
Sounds it's a bit off topic.
Yeah, it's definitely not in the scope of what we planned on discussing it’s good to post questions like that in the Qlik form on Qlik Community. I know we have some Forums on Qlik Replicate and I know that I helped host a Techspert Talk related to troubleshooting latency and understanding latency in Qlik Replicate. So, I'll try and find the link to that.
Next question: what are some key visualization tools and charts people tend to prefer to use for HR data? Run rates, terms, open positions, pay code, breakdowns, payroll spends, Etc.
I feel like HR, the main things I've seen are boring KPIs open positions fill positions. So, on many tables also I think that's pretty much what you're using one thing that I think is nice is for example if you use organizational charts and similar we have an orc chart within the dashboard bundle that you can use to see at different departments who has who is there manager of the department who are the employees and. So, on connect that together with some image library and can have images for the different departments and. So, on otherwise I mainly seen table sadly which I think kind of boring as a this person the only fun chart in HR I've seen is a cross chart that customer wanted to see and they like to arrange their weeks in a form during the year as a form of a cross and then they tie different KPIs to these. So, these are the weeks and yeah they like that type of visualization I don't know what would be the basis for why they want to look the year as a as a cross but apparently it made sense to them and I think that's a great idea in many times data visualization is finding a way for you to interpretate the numbers. So, they make sense to you. Yeah, do you think you could find the link to that top 10 that is part six of the top 10. So, I mean I could pay we can past the all the links if you want sure.
So, thanks if you aren't familiar that's a series of apps that Patric has built to help offer solutions to Common visualization problems and he offers them as His top what do you call them top tips yeah top yeah. So, you'll find them on Qlik Community, but I'll provide the links as well.
All right, next question: you’re probably bored of this question but what's the latest on the release date for the new pivot table?
Yes. I wish I could give an exact second when it will be released but I have other dates that I can that I can share. So, there are things that are coming to Christmas and the pivot table will most likely not hit before Christmas I've said that before maybe it's a 50/50 chance but it will appear most likely after New Year that said; next week or in the beginning of December the new layout container will come and that will give I mean everybody will be fully occupied building things with the layout container up until Christmas and New Year's Eve. So, there will be no time to build anything with a pivot anyway. So, stay tuned for the layout container first, and when you are bored of that one you can play with the pivot after new year.
Thanks for that. Just I'm sharing the link to that part six of top 10 VI tips that app here's what that looks like a lot of great ideas in there. All right next question: is there any way to do an SQL query right back or update from Qlik view to external databases Oracle Teradata with Qlik Sense Enterprise. So, an SQ SQL query right back update. So, that was a lot of things to unpack there. In QlikView. So, if we're doing it; let’s, if we're going to do old school, let's settle for Qlik Sense on Windows; you could do a trellis scape to do all kinds of crazy things, but on Qlik Cloud of course you should use Automations to do write-back stuff. So, Qlik Cloud Automation is the way to go.
All right, Automation I think you can do shell Escapes in QlikView as well, but it's yeah there are also 3rd-party providers, technical partners that can provide that type of functionality; it all comes down to how much level of security how secure you want to do this sometimes you don't want to be secure at all, but if you I of course you should be on cloud and do this with Automations instead.
Thank you for that, the next question: was asking to follow up on this troubleshooting Qlik Replicate latency and performance issues. So, this is the link that I posted it's off topic but I wanted to provide the link and there's even a video where Kelly Hopson goes into detail about how to look at latency and Qlik Replicate and that's the best resource I can provide at this time because Yeah, it's not our area of expertise by any means. So, and I'll if you're having trouble with copying the links from the chat, I will be posting all these links that we're mentioning along the recording as soon as I can this week. All right, next question: when is it expected to have a non-native extensions working with reports PDFs?
On Qlik Cloud, trying to. So, there's a separate road map for printing and exporting extensions. So, the reporting service is the facility in Qlik Cloud that automates and produces reports for users that runs in the background in order to that to happen they need to render the dashboard on the back end on the servers and where the services are taking place and that is a shared service and potentially extensions can run code that will hurt other U other environments. So, it's a security question regarding which extensions should be allowed to do that on a shared instance but there is a separate road map for that.
Great. Thanks. The next question: is there a simpler way to generate P charts or control charts or do we need to create Expressions to generate UCL; UCL and LCL lines?
So, that was actually last years when I did 24 days of visualizations this was actually the which date did I do the control shot actually you are doing that in Insight Advisor I can actually demo and show where it's where can do that great I'll stop sharing share my screen. So, this is something's called analysis types which is normally on a sheet you drag a bar chart, you drag a line chart, you drag a com chart, you have the freedom to do whatever you want with it sometimes there is a certain type of template certain type of chart that you want to have built that there is a FAL button to get to it if I go up into insight visor you have the three different options here of exploring your data selecting the dimensions measures asking a question natural language or create an analysis which is these bottom ones in here. So, if you go down here if you Qlik the more analysis you have two type of control charts one with a rolling mean and one with a mean in this case I'm going to do the rolling mean I get a small wizard here asking what is the value I want to control what is the calendar time period I want to use and then I get this chart generated in here and for now I'm just using days you could have it on a monthly level on an hourly level and. So, on and if I open this up here you can see that there is this control here to set what is the sigma level that you want to have you want to accept Sigma value of 1.2 1.9 and. So, on and once you're happy with this chart you can then add it to the sheet you're working on. So, if I add this to my new sheet and then when it's in here it's no longer analysis type it is an actual chart in this case a line chart I can go in here to the data I can see what was the calendar I was using what was the measure I was tracking I can see the average upper and lower ones I can go in here and if I'm not happy with using Sigma or the way it was calculated I can always open it up and I can see here what is the expression that's generating this lower control line column two for which value it should be based on 1 * 9 on the standard deviation for the total value of this measure against this Dimension and here you can switch to something else than standard deviation maybe the value by times two the average values and. So, on. So, it's a good way of getting started somewhere and modifying rather than starting from

scratch and there are other analysis types in there for example GE spatial ones Cayman’s clustering rolling periods there's some a couple of sheets in there also that you have a pre-populated sheets for doing time analysis Etc.
That was great. Thank you Patrick. yeah that was December 88 tips L24 days of visualization.
So awesome okay moving on to the next question: what visualization would you suggest to help end users understand customer Journeys? For example, customers transferred from one Department to the next and onward three to five examples what would you suggest?
I got the Titanic sank data want to show it that sounds this many years ago using a Sanky chart. see which tab I have it on. So, a Sanky is a type of a flow chart it can either be used to show the flow from beginning towards the end but it can also be used to show part of a dimension how does the value spread out to other dimensions. So, in this case it's Titanic data you have the class people were traveling in you have the gender of the passengers this is not the people working on board this is only for the passengers you have their status of the trip did they die did they live you also have if they made it into a Lifeboat or if they made it into a sea. So, already here you can see there's a certain amount of people traveling first class fewer people actually traveling second class compared to First Class didn't expect that and most people traveling in third class. So, Leo being one of these people Kate Winslet being one of these gender more males compared to females if you look at the first class there's144 female passengers 179 male passengers slightly more males than females third class quite a lot more males compared to female passengers if you were a female quite a lot of them survived not a couple of them died the vice versa for males in here what's interesting is also that for the people who live some of them actually didn't make into a Lifeboat they were picked up by one of the other ships nearby. So, 23 of these passengers went to the sea but were picked up but also out of the people who made it into a lifeboat around nine of them actually died and in this case since there's no step one step two step three I can actually go in here and change the order. So, I can look at class by Lifeboat was it easier to get into a Lifeboat in a first class compared to third class and. So, on and you can use this to show from example from income to expenditures what are your different income sources what different expenditure sources what are hospital admission, how many people were put into a hospital to ER, how many walked up to the door, how many were sent home, how many people went into different departments, and so on. So, I think it's a great chart of showing that progression of one state into a final State what happens along the paths. Definitely very visually interesting. I love it okay next question: any thoughts on creating an island table in data model versus values and pivot table on user interface?
So, I mean the dimension islands is a way to create a non-existing I mean it's a dimension that you don't have in your data you just make it up to be able to control something in your in a user interface and in most cases that's just fine but if you have a very large app and in some cases this can leads to performance problems, but I've used Dimension tables like inline tables and synthetics Dimensions thousands of times without problems. So, that is a good way I mean it's - it allows you to use the filter pane to pick and choose. The other option would be to use variables and use the button or variable input to change different things in thein the UI. So, it's a matter of taste what’s what you want. Dimension islands has the benefit of if you’re making it's more visible in the selection bar in the top selection bar perhaps a bit easier to see since it's a part of a bookmark; but nowadays, we also store the content of variables in a in a bookmark. So, I don't know if it's sometimes I use variables sometimes I use Dimension Islands; depends.
Great thanks. One question I saw snuck into the chat, but I happened to see it while I was scrolling past: is there a wrap text option available for long labels on a bar chart, any possibility to have wrap text so it goes to the next line?
No, but it's on the road map is a way to be able to have line breaks in labels sometimes that could be useful.
Sure, thanks. Okay next question –
Overall, I mean overall for from a data literacy perspective having long labels on things is really bad for the end user. So, try to be short as possible I would say rather to than to write December, I would write the acronym or just the number 12 or something that's short and easy to pick-up.
Thank you. Let’s see, next question: is it possible to have heat map with 3 dimensions? Depends on what you use the third one for you can have color by dimension in it. So, technically I just did a simple example I have 3 dimensions in the heat map although one dimension for shipping mode, one dimension for customer segment and then I use the same dimension in here, but I could use another dimension if that's possible not. So, that it's exactly what you want unless you want to have a more of a 3D version but because now I'm Laying out the heat color I don't have any gradient in here from largest to smallest but you could do something like this have 3 dimensions.
Okay thanks for throwing that together. next question: is there a plan to implement indicators mini charts as well as the straight table object?
Yes. So, we released the new Straight table early with the custom report functionality and the column width and we're now back filling with the properties from and the features of the old native table. So, there will be URL links there will be indicators and Spark lines and everything else that you love in the of the old table yes.
Fantastic, okay. Next question: I heard mention of the new pivot table; any chance conditional formatting will be exportable to Excel?
Yeah, I mean, we export as data. So, I leave that to reporting service to be able to we are already for exporting format with the background color and the foreground color in the export. So, I hope that we will be able to pick up also conditional if you're talking about Bal and italic things like that. So, that's the ambition we'll see how far we can come.
Great and I see the wrap text question made it to the Q&A after all and it was a little follow-up to that: the Enterprise version we have truncates text okay yeah we've addressed that one okay moving on to the next question: will the new pivot table have better export support right now our users don't really like it especially the fact that the numbers are exported as general format in Excel.
So, I mean the pivot follows the same export and as data as all the other charts as well. So, we're not exporting it as an Excel pivot table it's, I doubt that there probably a reason why we exported say as General in Qlik Sense we don't have that strict type control as we’re quite loose on the on what we how there's no data types in in in Qlik which is also a strength that you can both have a text representation and a numeric present representations of every value. So, it's also a bit of like a limitation what you can do in in Excel.
Thanks; next question: I don't know if it's in your wheelhouse but someone's asking about when the new Excel Qlik add-in for reporting is coming out?
So, that is part of the reporting road map and it's Andrew Kruger is the product manager for that one I know that that is his on his road map yeah, we've talked about that in a Techspert Talk and another a different session for Q&A with Qlik in the past and I know he'd addressed the timing of that in those recordings. So, I'll try and post the link to those as well just. So, you can have that reference. Okay, next question: oh it's all about reporting: is it possible to send reports on NPrinting via email taking into account the selections applied?
There are no problems generating reports directly from the app but only when sending via email. In my experience, it is definitely possible to apply selections and send reports via email and we I've tend to use Application Automation to send out those reports but if you're having issues with it I recommend opening up a support case or trying to contact support via our chat on Qlik community and hopefully we can get that solved for you. Do you guys have any –
I think the question is if you can't do selections; can you apply bookmarks, because I think you can have a report and have a bookmark applied when you're bursting it out if I remember correctly yeah that makes sense. So, give bookmarkers a try, see if that helps for you.
Okay, next question: can I use a count function in a pivot table? I need to count the number of service lines delivered to a client?
That should be possible right? Yeah, I don't see why you shouldn't I mean it's interesting to do count across two different dimensions. So, you probably need to work on your expression to give you the result that you want sometimes you have to do your own agur function to make the calculation that you that you want but basically you are doing a count across two dimensions. That’s what happens.
Great, all right, next question: what's the best way for users to capture an entire dashboard in a PDF or jpeg? They're having issues downloading as PDF.
So, in Qlik Sense Cloud the new Straight table has a new feature called multi-page PDF output. So, normally the PDF output and the image output for from every chart is just a current view, but the new Straight table has the functionality that you can have up to 50 pages of data in PDF format from your table.
Fantastic, thanks okay moving on. I see lots of questions are flooding in. So, we'll see how many we can address: can you share two or three use cases for end users and the insights on current selection via the selection menu?
Right, yeah. I mean the main thing with it is based on current type of selection based on a -you're interested in which users haven't you sold to for this month or which product haven't you sold to a certain User, it’s a bit tricky using it and understanding it if you don't haven't watched the tutorial or work with it yeah the reason why they will add it to the product is because we wanted to be able to bring out the uniqueness of Sense if you all are sense Qlik Sense users since long time you know that when we are making selections we also highlight what's not selected. So, that's part of the associative experience you make selections but we also visualize what you're not selected or what's excluded and you can see that with the green white and gray indicators in the in your dashboards and that comes kind of natural when you have used Qlik Sense for quite some time you get to understand that directly this is outside of my selection. So, the associate of insights was an attempt to explain to new users to highlight things that are not in the selection. So, trying to pinpoint or trying to highlight things that are that could be a value that are outside of your selection. So, that's the whole point of if you are a longtime Sense user, maybe you already do that in your head when you see a Qlik Sense dashboard beautifully colored with the green, white and gray.
Thanks okay moving on to the next question: what's the best solution to have Qlik Cloud interacting with learning modules created in Python? Interacting I guess that could be as a source?
Yeah, I mean there's there are different ways to do this one is the analytic connections this is Steven Pressland area as you know there's ways to use something we internally call server side extensions or analytics Advanced analytics integration that you can connect and make y operations in y analytics is one part of that that allows you to make calculations in runtime based on selections you change Selections in your model and you do calculations that triggers on based on your selections. So, I would use the analytics Connections in Qlik Cloud you could also use Automations of course that's another way to trigger Automations via Automations you have even bigger freedom to do whatever you want in Python and return that result directly into your dashboard, but I would probably start with the analytics connectors and the connections.
Thanks. All right, next question: any tips for effectively applying color theory and color schemes and a presentational Qlik data tool?
Sorry. You don't use too many colors makes sure you think about color blindness and other deficiencies makes; you know, if your dashboard is being used in a light environment, dark environment, things like that; I prefer to create a theme with multiple color palettes depending on what I need to do and what I need to use it for. So, if you could also go really hardcore and not use any colors at all complete the whole of your dashboard without any colors just use black and white until you're done and then think really hard how can I add color what could I if I add one color what would that be try it it's really amazing that don't just flesh out colors arbitrarily use it for a purpose and use it consistently that's my best tip.
That's good advice, great. next question yeah I think both me and Patrik we have seen. So, many dashboards that that hurts our eyes. So, yeah, it's good to think about the end user not just how many colors you can put on there. Yeah, I mean, colors are like text you should really think through what you want to communicate with your color not just use them arbitrarily to that would just confuse the user.
Next question: can we replicate QlikView functionality to have hierarchy filters? Love that we got some QlikView.
So, hierarchy is an interesting function in Qlik View and Qlik Sense allows you to create these hierarchies we do have hierarchy in the pivot table it allows you to add Dimensions but it’s the hierarchy function in Qlik view is quite interesting that you could I mean there are a blog post been written about this that how you should think about the hierarchy especially when there are ragged hierarchies that are not like super strict like they have null nodes and such that you could pick that up. So, and I know that we do have people out there who would like to have our filter pains behave bit like a pivot table where you could pick a country and then you could Qlik on a plus and you expand to see all the all the cities and we're thinking of the best way to implement it in the like we did in the old way in QlikView where you have to apply the hierarchy command work and it will cover a lot of different use cases it's a bit you have to know what you're doing of course and what you want to do to use it or if it just should behave like a pivot table. So, it's part of the road map but we have other things that we want to push out first.
Thanks okay next question: Qlik Sense has some limitations beyond the limits of the machine on which it operates, is there a maximum threshold of data that Qlik can handle?
You build a computer large enough. So, I mean the whole the reason why we're here is because we found a way to keep the whole data mod model into memory and draw all kinds of questions directly there is an alternative or we do also have on our portfolio something called direct query that will enable you to do SQL push down toto not have the data into memory. So, that you will actually trigger off SQL query to the underlying database and return back the result uh. So, if you find that you in some cases that might be beneficial sometimes not. So, it's has a but it's especially if you have very fast moving data sets or if the data sets are extremely large and you have a super-fast database in some cases it might be beneficial however you will be limited that you will not have the whole the analytic powers of QlikView or Qlik Sense when you do SQL push down because of how it works.
If you also talk about the tables and Fields, since we store every field value as a zero as a binary where the amount of unique values you can have in a field is apparently 2,147,483,648 distinct values. That’s because we store each value in the end as a bit.
Regarding Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows any possibility of info button to display more info on a chart/object?
I can share my screen and show how information on short can be added. So, thanks if you have this chart here my bar chart you can see that in to move all the chat Windows around, refreshing the page of course. Let's see - died on me. So, on this M visualization I have added in general that there is a show details is available and when I create this master visualization and I add it to my library of visualizations I can add in a description to it. So, I think the description is in here that wasn't that one it was this one I wanted to edit. So, I can add a description to the master visualization I can also add descriptions to the dimensions and measures I'm using within this one. So, in this case I add a description on the customer segment which means that when a user is going through the dashboard and some on if they hover above it they get an eye button they press on it and then you can see a pop-up that shows what is the description of the chart what is the description of the dimension what is the description of the measure I can type in how sales are calculated how turn is calculated and. So, on. So, that's the built-in functionality otherwise I would say use a button to navigate to a web page or something where you explain what the dashboard is about and what the different shorts about my best tip for adding that type of content is to use the container and have a secondary tab for an help page use a text and image object and paste any information that you want in many cases you don't you want to bring out that type of background information on demand instead. So, it's super easy to do and it doesn't steal any screen estate either and it's easier for the user to pick up. So, instead of I personally use that instead of the more information button like this.
Yeah that's great.
While we're here I got a question later on from Sebastian that I've been working on that I thought I'd answer which is that: a measure allows you to set color for specific values is there any way to do it for variable values? So, in this case here actually you can create Dimensions that don't actually need to contain values a dimension could be an expression that evaluates to something. This case I'm using the old school method of coloring by expression. So, that I don't have the current year in this data I have an expression that says if it is the latest year color it green if it is an early year color it red I can take this expression and just copy it I can go to master items and I can create a new dimension in here for example let's call this l here and then I can have a see label Expression right no I need
to think what I'm doing actually yeah can have I can create a dimension from it I can do a latest year I can do the label expression and instead of having green I can just call this
last year and instead of having it red I can call it other year. oh that that should be that should be in the field that's why I'm totally confused today. if it is the current if this is latest year it is latest year otherwise it's other years and now when I create it I have a dimension called the latest years I can open it up and edit it I can go into value colors and I will see this expression AV Val into two different text strings latest year could be a red color previous years could be a teal color potentially save it drag and drop it color by latest year. voila I got the colors I got a color Legend and whenever I get a new year or current year is changing that one will be updated and having that always the latest one is this color. So, a dimension doesn't have to be a field from your Source table from your tables a dimension can be an expression that values into different text labels each text label shows up as a data value in the color panel.
Great; thank you; that was great, moving on to the next question: is it possible to sync tabs across VizLib container similar if you as you can with container Bock this is with Qlik Sense you guys familiar with the VizLib container? That's an extension? All right well there's always Qlik forum. Sorry we're not able to address that one. I can move on the next question: on the topic of heat Maps a bit of a follow-up could you not use a 3D heat map with the x-axis and y- AIS for the two main dimensions and the color or height of the bars or other 3D elements represented the values of the third dimension or use color intensity as a third dimension? Back to heat maps.
Possible I don't think have that natively yeah okay yeah is the third dimension as I showed.
Did you want to say something Patrik?
The kids just got home. So, they're kind of screaming.
All right we can move on to the next question: can you share performance optimization techniques for large Qlik apps?
There's a really good resource in Americans pre-sales governance handbook is that the yeah do you have a link to that perhaps yeah I will pick it up
Great. All right I'm gonna while we're looking for that move on to the next question: any recommendations on having standard formatting for numbers and money in international apps? Do you see an easy way to have Dynamic format depending on a user's country? That's a good question.
Think that you can use the num function you can have a variable that's controlled to list box or through the variable input controller there's nothing automatic that would change the currency based on the users web browser Etc. it would all have to be a controller build into the app that then changes the nonfunction being used on the measure yeah could that maybe be a variable they would kind of prompt user to select they open it perhaps I think also you need to think about the fact that if you convert from dollars to Euros it is not a one-to-one mapping it is a conversion rate of a certain number to convert between them so
Yeah okay moving on: any plan to add an object with current selection they're looking for an object like they had in QlikView? I mean there's a selection bar at the top.
Yeah that's the it’s people liked it. So, much in QlikView. So, we made it a part of Qlik sounds of course you now there's also a possibility to switch that off and build your own selection bar in instead you have access to the current selection and you can build out your own control if you want. So, that’s definitely possible as well.
Great someone’s asking: if it's possible to send emails with exported images of tables following a dashboard refresh? Okay. So, we're looking for sounds like reporting via
You can do Alerts and then it will send you with a snapshot of it as well right?
That's even better, yeah. It's a great tip. So, take a look at it at Alerting. All right, next question: data manager often automatically changes the data type of fields to Geo data. Is it possible to disable this function? I'm not familiar with that.
I haven't tried it. The one thing I know that is that is a QVD for cities and a QVD for countries that it Maps against question is if you could exchange those QVDs to empty QVDs maybe but there's no button or an option to disable it I mean it's also the data manager is supposed to give you like suggestions for the fields that's the whole purpose it will guess for you but –
So, so you can go in and change it afterwards. So, that's the what; yeah I was going to say, you can change it afterwards if you don't know where to do it if I go into data manager. I don't yeah. So, of course I don't use data manager for this app. So, synchronize descript the
tables. So, if I open up this table in here if I Qlik the edit button for example this is identified as order date as a date I can Qlik the drop down I actually Qlik the icon here and I can specify that this is not the date I can specify what is display format if I have something that's Z which I don't think I have in this one then I would be able to click the globe and say this is a General type instead of a Geo data type. So, that's how we fix it afterwards, but I don't think you can disable assigning it to a Geo first.
Fantastic; thank you for showing that. Okay next question and we're running long time see how many of these we can get through: is a quick change of chart type like in QlikView? change between pivot/straight table on for Export to Excel on the road map. So, being able to switch the same object to a different chart type. So, you can build this out if you want to use a container object and then you have different charts that you can do flip between then you also have the settings for different charts just normally if you flip between a pivot table, a pie chart, and a table; they don't have this the same number of Dimensions; they don't have the same type of measures. So, normally you want to tweak each chart a bit with different settings. So, that's why I would recommend to use a container, and then have different tabs for - it sounds really nice to have automatically can flip from a KPI to a scatter plot, but it doesn't really turn out to be a great user experience because you want to make some settings for the scat plot. So, I tend to use container and shift between. Also in when you are in the simplified authoring, you have a quick way to just click on the different buttons to flip between different charts, and it will try to bring on the Dimensions with you. Also, if you're not using that one, you can also use the automatic charts in the top of the properties that allows you to flip between different suggestions.
I was thinking I had seen that and that was a simplified authoring. Okay our next question: someone's looking for an ability to have a 3D dimensional looking pie chart in Qlik Sense like they we had in QlikView. Lot of Qlik view –
That’s your favorite Patrik, isn't that the 3D pie charts isn't that the? So,
A person has an Association as opposed to say that pie charts are the devil's chart. It has it’s purpose and. So, on but maybe the 3D pie charts maybe not really. I can't say that we're going to do that anytime soon, no. But we will offer more customization options, because people tend to want to put numbers in the in your charts and they tend to add build more composite charts and this is why we are launching the layout container as well. If you want to have a combination of two different charts or you want to add something on top of it, then you should look out for the new layout container to create new stuff for you.
Great. Thank you, and somebody had a follow-up to what we're talking about before: does the multi-page PDF also work with Qlik Reporting?
It's a UI function right now. It's - I mean it's; it is the reporting service that produces the output, but you are supposed to use it in the user interface we will later on it might be part of the subscription service that you can send out that type of PDFs as well on demand.
And is it possible to add pop-ups in Qlik Sense. So, this was a bit what we're talking about earlier. Probably you want to have some additional information for the end-user having popups is a bit, especially if you have accessibility in mind; popups is really a good solution. I recommend to use the container instead; have a secondary tab for that type of information then you can have like a long essay on each one of your charts on the background; why you created it; where the data comes from; and with images and links to other sources as well, and you don't clutter the interface as well.
Great thank you. Will the multi-page download also be possible with the new pivot table?
So, the first time, I mean, the pivot table will have a lot of things on the plate already. So, we'll see in the future.
Sure. I’ll try and squeeze in a last few questions: any plan to make conditional indicator on table object to be evaluated by row? Actually, the evaluated expression value is the whole table. This for the whole table.
I would say not. The indicators are calculated row by row; that's why you can have these traffic lights, and you can have icons to highlight separate rows not sure if I - the question right…
Okay, another road map question: is it in the road map to use images in visualizations that are on SharePoint? For example, using a specific URL?
So, you can already today use images by URL in the table, and in the map. The tricky part is to get SharePoint to deliver the images to you. So, they don't want to become an image repository. So, it might be hard to find out the direct URL. It might try to block you in several different ways. It has to be a direct link of course to that image resource. Actually I would, I would test; because we I just came across another case like this, when somebody was trying to incorporate a video URL from a SharePoint Microsoft stream, and it appears that you have to have the VPN running to be able to fetch the video URL. Microsoft has gone to Great Lengths to hide the streamable URL or hide or block it, basically.
Great. Well thank you gentlemen. I think that's all the time we have for today. I really appreciate you joining and helping us get through all these questions. Hope you enjoyed today; and thank you everyone for your time today. Hope you enjoyed it, and hope you join future sessions. Have a great rest of your day.
Thanks everybody.

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