Qlik Community

Qlik Community is the global online community for Qlik employees, experts, customers, partners, developers and evangelists to collaborate.

All breiterrob's Badges

breiterrob has earned 5 badges!
  • Discussion Starter
    Discussion Starter
    Earned by 43,103
    Congratulations on creating your first discussion!
  • Give Credit
    Give Credit
    Earned by 23,394
    Congratulations on giving your first like!
  • 5 Likes Given
    5 Likes Given
    Earned by 7,827
    Congratulations on awarding your 5th Like!
  • 10 Likes Given
    10 Likes Given
    Earned by 4,525
    Congratulations on awarding your 10th Like!
  • Qlik Nation Member
    Qlik Nation Member
    Earned by 3,883
    This badge is a special Qlik Nation badge for users in both Communities.