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Contributor II
Contributor II

pass the lookup date field to the context column , ODBC with CDC Load

To implement CDC task ,we need to add a date filed in context column to retrieve the delta records. Currently there is not date field available in main table so need to take the required date field from lookup table.

Is it possible to pass the lookup date field to the context column?


Type of connection : ODBC CDC


Sample Data for Main Table ,

idh_no idh_param idh_details tdh_type
123 abc1 det1 typ1
124 abc2 det2 typ2
125 abc3 det3 typ3
126 abc4 det4 typ4


Sample Data for Look up table,

inv_no inv_date prd_name
123 4/30/2024 prd1  
124 5/1/2024 prd2  
125 5/2/2024 prd3  
126 5/3/2024 prd4  

We need to pass the inv_date from the lookup table to to the context column to retrieve the delta in ODBC with CDC task

join condition is 

main.idh_no = lookup.inv_no


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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hello @AXK0121B ,

Thanks for reaching out to Qlik Community!

Seems like the topic is broader than a simple answer can cover, however maybe define a VIEW in the source database to join the 2 (or more) tables is pretty easier than operating them by lookup() function in Qlik Replicate.

Hope this helps.


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2 Replies

Hello @AXK0121B ,

Thanks for reaching out to Qlik Community!

Seems like the topic is broader than a simple answer can cover, however maybe define a VIEW in the source database to join the 2 (or more) tables is pretty easier than operating them by lookup() function in Qlik Replicate.

Hope this helps.


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Specialist III
Specialist III

View is probably best,

However, your wrote:

>> To implement CDC task ,we need to add a date field in context column to retrieve the delta records.


This is not entirely correct.

  • It should be just a date, it should be date-time which was much granularity as possible to ensure a good context value to save.
  • You can add any column with with ever increasing, unique values.

Per documentation: "When working with non-datetime Context columns such as integers that are not based on epoch time (for example, counters, strings, and numeric values), the values of those columns should be created by a singleton entity."
