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Can't print to PDF

Hi, I've seen many examples for printing reports to PDF. It seams easy but the code doesn't work.

I only need to print one report to PDF and do not have to answer the name neither the path. I'm using that code.

sub printPDF()
set rep=ActiveDocument.GetReport("RP01")
reportFile=tempFolder & reportName & ".pdf"
printReportPDF rep, reportFile
End Sub
function printReportPDF(oReport, pdfOutputFile)
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\QlikViewPDF\OutputFile", pdfOutputFile, "REG_SZ"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\QlikViewPDF\BypassSaveAs", "1", "REG_SZ"
Set WSHShell = nothing
End Function

It just don't do anything.

Any ideas, thanks.

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Do you have QlikView PDF Writer installed? It's a separate add-on. If you search this forum, you'll see a download link - I remember someone posted it once.


View solution in original post

5 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Do you have QlikView PDF Writer installed? It's a separate add-on. If you search this forum, you'll see a download link - I remember someone posted it once.


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If I run your code in DEBUG, I get a message "ActiveX component can't create object: 'WScript.Shell'". This is with Macro security set to safe mode.

If I set Macro security to System Access, it runs and creates 2 keys in the registry. I cannot see how it is supposed to print from there - are you missing a few lines?

e.g. ActiveDocument.PrintReport oReport, "QlikViewPDF", false
... put this before

Set WSHShell = nothing

Link to PDF Writer

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Thank you, I was trying with CutePDF and it didn't work. But once I installed the QlikViewPDF printer it works.

Best regards.

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Just a sidenote..

If I recall correctly changing the reg key paths should make it work with CutePDF also. In other words, changing QlikViewPDF to CutePDF.

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Jsn, You can do the same with CutePDF, but you need Custom cutepdf to accept the changes in the registry.

Custom Cute pdf is not for free - I think it cost 500$