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Hello I have a table of data (sample attached) that includes three elements - Employee ID, Department and Year_Period. What I am looking to do is have a process that looks between the Year_Period and creates records that are categorized as noted in the Action column. The conditions for each Action are noted in the table below. I know I have to utilize peek and previous functions and possibly some temp tables but could use some assistance setting it up. Any help is much appreciated it.
Order | Condition 1 | Condition 2 | Condition 3 | Condition 4 | Action |
1 | EmployeeID NOT in previous Year_Period | N/A | EmployeeID NOT in next Year_Period | N/A | Gain/Loss |
2 | EmployeeID IS in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept NOT in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID NOT in next Year_Period | N/A | Transfer In/Loss |
3 | EmployeeID IS in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept IS in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID NOT in next Year_Period | N/A | Loss |
4 | EmployeeID NOT in previous Year_Period | N/A | EmployeeID IS in next Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept NOT in next Year_Period | Gain/Transfer Out |
5 | EmployeeID NOT in previous Year_Period | N/A | EmployeeID IS in next Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept IS in next Year_Period | Gain |
6 | EmployeeID IS in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept NOT in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID IS in next Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept NOT in next Year_Period | Transfer In/Transfer Out |
7 | EmployeeID IS in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept NOT in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID IS in next Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept IS in next Year_Period | Transfer In |
8 | EmployeeID IS in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept IS in previous Year_Period | EmployeeID IS in next Year_Period | EmployeeID+Dept NOT in next Year_Period | Transfer Out |
Else | N/A |
Here is what I have done so far...
"Employee ID", //Key 1 for Gain/Loss
"Employee ID"&'-'&Department as TransferKey, //Create Key2 for Transfer In/Out
FROM [lib://Global_Finance_BIFileshare/Non-Application Related/Sample Data.xlsx]
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Data);
//load distinct Employee IDs by Year_Period from resident to utilize
//ordering to enable peek/previous Employee ID from one Year_Period to the next
load Distinct
"Employee ID",
Resident Main
order by "Employee ID",
//load distinct TransferKey by Year_Period from resident to utilize
//ordering to enable peek/previous TransferKey from one Year_Period to the next
Load Distinct
Resident Main
order by TransferKey,