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Hey all,
I'm stuck at the following problem: I have date values (month and year) on the x-axis and some Sum formula with a set expression as my measure in a bar chart.
Now, this chart always shows the last 12 months, based on the current selection of year and (optionally) month.
Now the problem is this: The values on the y-axis have 3 "versions"; so let's say value X in version 1 is 2, version 2 is 4 and version 3 is 6.
Now, for a year which is already finished I want to take only the highest version of the values, for a pending year the most recent.
Example: I select Year 2024 and month January -> the chart shows the dimensions: 01-2024, 12-2023, ..., 01-2023.
Now if the year changes to 2023 (for 12-2023) I need the latest possible version (3) and for 01-2024 the most recent (let's say 1).
I tried the following, but it didn't work out as I can't seem to sum the values depending on the x-axis:
if(Year(AddMonths(Max(discharge_date), -12)) < Max(year),
Sum({$<ischarge_date = {">$(=AddMonths(Max(ischarge_date), -12))<=$(=Date(Max(ischarge_date)))"}, Version = {3}, MonatNummer = , year= >} Value),
Sum({$<ischarge_date = {">$(=AddMonths(Max(ischarge_date), -12))<=$(=Date(Max(ischarge_date)))"}, Version = {1}, MonatNummer = , year= >} Value)
The if-condition (logically) always evaluates to true, so this doesn't work - is there any possibility to do this kind of calculation?
Thanks in advance!
For anyone maybe interested, I found a (bit hacky) solution, so Marcus' idea to partly precalculate the result in the script would be the more viable option.
I created a variable with a ValueList of the user-selected month and the 12 previous month and joined them with Concat() - this is my synthetic dimension for the chart.
That dimension can now be used in a Pick/Match clause in the chart script to pick the right version - if the year is the current year, pick the actual month, else if the year is already over, pick the latest version.
With your described dataset it's not solvable per set analysis because it's mixing periods with different versions - and if they need a different calculation you will need appropriate if-loops to query them and then branching into the wanted calculation. That's currently not be working as expected means that the if-query isn't correct respectively suitable, for example being not granular enough and/or querying in the wrong order or ...
I think I would tend to a different approach and flagging the information if the version is the highest one in the script, maybe with something like:
m: mapping load KEY, max(Version) from X group by KEY;
t: load *, -(Version=applymap('m', KEY, 0)) as Flag from X;
and then the Flag could be queried in the set analysis and/or the field could be used as selection and/or as multiplier to the relevant calculations (instead of a simple TRUE/FALSE flag the field might be also created as offset-value to the highest version).
For anyone maybe interested, I found a (bit hacky) solution, so Marcus' idea to partly precalculate the result in the script would be the more viable option.
I created a variable with a ValueList of the user-selected month and the 12 previous month and joined them with Concat() - this is my synthetic dimension for the chart.
That dimension can now be used in a Pick/Match clause in the chart script to pick the right version - if the year is the current year, pick the actual month, else if the year is already over, pick the latest version.