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The objective here is that the column "Ventas" in Table 2 displays the same amount as in Table 1.
"Ventas" is dependable from "Agente"(Employee) and Cliente (Client)
Table 2 does NOT has the column 'Client' so an aggr function is needed.
"Ventas" in Table 1 is calculated by multiplying "Completado" * " Ventas Totales".
"Completado" is calculated with the following expression:
(sum(distinct B_Nombre)+
sum(distinct B_Direccion)+
sum(distinct B_email)+
sum(distinct B_Especie)+
sum(distinct B_RFC)+
sum(distinct B_Telefono) )= 6,
And Conteo is the sum of the last 6 columns, which are independent dimension (not calculated on set analysis)
I use distinct because the value might repeat, and i just need to know if the value is 0 or not.
But i dont get to figure out if its possible to use the if statment inside the aggr statement....
This is the expression i was trying to calculate for the column Ventas on Table 2 but its wrong...
aggr(Sum([Ventas Totales])*
if( (sum(distinct B_Nombre)+
sum(distinct B_Direccion)+
sum(distinct B_email)+
sum(distinct B_Especie)+
sum(distinct B_RFC)+
sum(distinct B_Telefono) )= 6,1,0 ) ,Cliente,Agente)
Table #1
Table #2
I don't think you need that if statement at all. try just aggr(sum(subt),agent). having client in the group by is causing the aggr to aggregate to the client level.
I need the if statement to convert to zero the sum of "Ventas Totales " where the sum of the last six columns is less than six.
So, if the sum of the last six columns is less than 6 than "Ventas" will equal to zero.
aggr(sum(subt),agent) will just be equal to "Ventas Totales"