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GRCA | GL Account | Exp Group |
PK82080 | 5054150001 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054157001 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054158001 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054161201 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054161301 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054161701 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054162101 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054177001 | Auditor Fee |
PK82080 | 5054178001 | Auditor Fee |
PK14910 | SWC |
I have the above mapping table that I want to map against a leger book based on field GRCA key and Field GL Account.
Some of the mapping has specific GRCA account and GL account. For the last GRCA ,"PK14910", it can map with any GL account.
May I know how I can use Applymap to map? Many thanks.
Thanks a lot, Mr Sommer. So <ANY> means to map any GL Account that is GRCA PK14910?
Hi @43918084
When you're talking about mapping you should take into account its definition. A mapping table in Qlik links a single value with a single key.
If you need to link with a cardinality different of 1 , you may consider using join.
Hope it helps
Thanks a lot. If I use join, may I know if I have to create 2 tables. One with GRCA and GL account and another with GRCA only?
You need only to query if GRCA is PK14910 to replace the GL value, maybe like:
applymap('map', GRCA & '|' & if(GRCA = 'PK14910', '<ANY>', GL), 'non matching') as Group
whereby you also add <ANY> as value for PK14910 within the mapping-table.
- Marcus
Thanks a lot, Mr Sommer. So <ANY> means to map any GL Account that is GRCA PK14910?
Thanks a lot. It works. May I also inquire, If I have many GRCA like the PK14910, does it mean I have to type the same code one by one?