=if ("Cycle" <>'2018-2019', null(), If(IsNull("OPR 2018"), (Null()), if(IsNull("Movement Type"), (Null()), if("OPR 2018" ='Not Rated', (Null()), If("OPR 2018" ='1B' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Involuntary', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='1B' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Voluntary', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Involuntary' , ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Voluntary' , ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Demotion', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='2' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move' , ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='2' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='4A' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Band Up', ('Adherent'), IF( AGGR( IF(Count(DISTINCT {<[OPR 2018] = {'4A'}, Name *= p({<[Movement Type] = {'Promotion Band Up'} and not [Movement Type] = {'Termination Voluntary'} and not [Movement Type] = {'Termination Involuntary'}>})>} "Global ID")='1','Adherent'),"Global ID") ='Adherent', 'Adherent', If("OPR 2018" ='3B' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move' , ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='3B' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='3A' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='3A' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='3A' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Band Up', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='4B' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move' , ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='4B' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'), If("OPR 2018" ='4B' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Band Up', ('Adherent'), ('Non-Adherent')))))))))))))))))))))))
=if ("Cycle" <>'2018-2019', null(),If(IsNull("OPR 2018"), (Null()),if(IsNull("Movement Type"), (Null()),if("OPR 2018" ='Not Rated', (Null()),If("OPR 2018" ='1B' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Involuntary', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='1B' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Voluntary', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Involuntary' , ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Termination Voluntary' , ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='1A' and "Movement Type" ='Demotion', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='2' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move' , ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='2' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='4A' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Band Up', ('Adherent'),IF(AGGR(IF(Count(DISTINCT {<[OPR 2018] = {'4A'}, Name *= p({<[Movement Type] = {'Promotion Band Up'} and not [Movement Type] = {'Termination Voluntary'} and not [Movement Type] = {'Termination Involuntary'}>})>} "Global ID")='1','Adherent'),"Global ID")='Adherent', 'Adherent',If("OPR 2018" ='3B' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move' , ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='3B' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='3A' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='3A' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='3A' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Band Up', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='4B' and "Movement Type" ='Lateral Move' , ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='4B' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Within Band', ('Adherent'),If("OPR 2018" ='4B' and "Movement Type" ='Promotion Band Up', ('Adherent'), ('Non-Adherent')))))))))))))))))))))))