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Contributor II
Contributor II

Changing data source has broken expressions

I've got an app which previously had data uploaded manually, whilst we were validating the data from the data source in order to connect the app to the data source.

Have now got the correct data from the source table, and have connected the app to the data source (SQL table) and removed the manually uploaded table (xl table).

The new SQL data is (almost) exactly the same as the data uploaded manually. Difference being the SQL data contains transaction lines, the xl data contains summaries of values by accounts by period.

After connecting the SQL data to the app, the expressions are not calculating correctly. Have tested and the issue seems to arise when I preform a conversion on the data (converting profit centre to cost centre). This conversion was done on the xl table and I had no problems with it. I've also tested without converting to cost centre, and this resolves the issue, however this makes the app unsuitable for it's requirements as I must report by Cost Centre, not profit centre.

The data models are exactly the same, the formats of the fields are the exact same, I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out why the new data is no longer being calculated correctly.

Unfortunately, i'm unable to post example data or example apps, and have tested on inline tables which work, so sharing inline examples probably won't help with presenting the issue.

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same issue when changing data sources?


Expression Example:

sum(if([Period reporting on]=month(today())-1,Amount-(Amount*2)))

This expression works as long as no cost centre filter is applied, and vice versa, I am able to calculate by applying a reporting period filter, with no cost centre being applied to the calculation.

The issue even happens with a simple sum(Amountexpression, if I apply a filter to both [Cost Centre] and [Period reporting on]

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1 Reply

I don't think that the data and the data-model are exactly the same because if they were identically the chart-expressions would work. With the charts you couldn't really check the data else you will need table-boxes. Just put there the relevant fields like the period, amount and cost centre (maybe more fields) and then comparing the old and the new application. Somewhere will be differences ...

- Marcus