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Hi -
Not sure if this is the right place but I'm trying to create a Function Expression for a pie chart. I only want the function to count if it has "Y" as a response to whether or not employees took the training.
if you need expression for percentage response 'Y'
=Count(Response='Y')/Count(Response) and make number as percentage
if you need expression for percentage response 'N'
=Count(Response='N')/Count(Response) and make number as percentage
Thanks...however I have a column called "Current Product Training" and withing that column it has 'Y' for those that took the training and 'N' for those that didn't . I'm trying to compare it against the different employee titles. So dimension is "Employee Title" and Measure is "Current Product Training". I'm only looking for a percentage of "Y" from the Current Product Training Measure. Would the formula you suggested still work?