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Introducing Qlik Answers: A plug-and-play, Generative AI powered RAG solution. READ ALL ABOUT IT!

Informing workers with knowledge from unstructured content.  A plug-and-play, Generative AI powered RAG solution.

At Qlik, we have always been about informing decisions through structured data and analytics.  However there is vast, un-tapped potential to do the same from unstructured content.  People that rely on information from unstructured sources such as document repositories, knowledge libraries, or operational systems often can’t find what they need, and operate without the right knowledge and resources – leading to poor decisions and outcomes. 

For decades, organizations have relied on traditional search to deliver information, but this approach has largely failed.  Search only provides a list of possible results, not an actual answer, requiring users to manually investigate and assemble the information they need.  Built-in search tools only serve content from a single source, and often people don’t even know where to look to begin.  The result has been a large gap between what’s available and what gets properly utilized.  

But with the onset of Generative AI, there’s now a better way.  Qlik Answers is a new plug-and-play, Generative AI-powered knowledge assistant that uses cutting edge RAG (retrieval augmented generation) to provide business users with personalized, contextually relevant answers to questions from unstructured data.  You just ask it a question and get an answer – it’s that simple.  Answers are reliable and consistent, and with full explainability, you’ll always know where things came from and have access to those sources – ensuring consistency, trust and transparency.  And responses come from a variety of content artifacts, carefully curated into domain specific knowledge bases.   



Generative AI offers new potential to take full advantage of your unstructured data, giving users all the information they need at their fingertips. To get started, you can use Qlik’s trusted enterprise connectors to access a broad range of systems and platforms out of the box.  Unstructured content can be indexed where it resides without the need to move it – just create a knowledge base in Qlik Cloud and point it at a repository of unstructured content.  You then create an embeddable AI assistant to answer user questions based on one or more of your knowledge bases.  All in a few simple steps. 

Generative AI-driven solutions are new, and customers often think they have to build it themselves.  However, there is significant risk and cost involved with properly designing and building a RAG solution.  With Qlik Answers, you get a complete out-of-the-box, self-service oriented solution that takes advantage of the IP and best practices from our acquisition of Kyndi, a leading innovator in natural language processing, search, and generative AI.  Qlik takes care of the heavy lifting, combining and encapsulating powerful, cutting-edge semantic search, generative AI and RAG techniques under the hood into a simple, cost effective, plug-and-play solution. 

Qlik Answers offers a practical, targeted way to directly support decisions and drive tremendous value from mountains of un-tapped unstructured data, complementing our powerful analytics capabilities for structured, quantitative data.  Our long-term vision is to combine Generative AI-driven insights from both structured and unstructured data to provide a complete experience to business users supporting all their information needs. 

For now, you can unlock vast new potential in your unstructured data – so don’t wait to get started. 


 Learn More:

    • Visit Qlik Answers and learn how easy it is to get started today.