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Contributor III
Contributor III

Cumulative Sum

Hi everyone,

consider the next table:


ID CheckNr Year Period Value Cumulative EXPECTED
3002 3002295481 2022 01.2022 39.531,00 39.531,00
3002 3002131001 2022 01.2022 0,00 39.531,00
3002 3002295481 2022 02.2022 17.729,00 57.260,00
3002 3002131001 2022 03.2022 14.910,00 72.170,00
3002 3002280650 2022 04.2022 38.224,00 110.394,00
3002 3002280650 2022 05.2022 22.042,00 132.436,00
3002 3002280650 2022 06.2022 -7.395,00 125.041,00
3002 3002295481 2022 07.2022 -18.807,00 106.234,00
3002 3002131001 2022 08.2022 33.148,00 139.382,00
3002 3002131001 2022 09.2022 -18.827,00 120.555,00
3002 3002124331 2022 10.2022 11.340,00 131.895,00
3002 3002223674 2022 11.2022 -9.730,00 122.165,00
3002 3002305918 2022 12.2022 -7.425,00 114.740,00
3002 3002124331 2022 12.2022 -25.964,00 88.776,00
3002 3002124251 2023 02.2023 2.023,00 90.799,00
3002 3002131001 2023 03.2023 86.068,00 176.867,00
3002 3002131001 2023 04.2023 -136.292,00 40.575,00
3002 3002351693 2023 05.2023 3.207,00 43.782,00
3002 3002131001 2023 06.2023 102.385,00 146.167,00
3002 3002131001 2023 07.2023 -105.491,00 40.676,00
3002 keine Zuordnung 2023 08.2023 88.776,00 129.452,00
3002 3002124331 2023 08.2023 14.624,00 144.076,00
3002 3002223674 2023 08.2023 9.730,00 153.806,00
3002 3002305918 2023 08.2023 7.425,00 161.231,00
3002 3002280650 2023 08.2023 -22.965,00 138.266,00
3002 3002131001 2023 08.2023 -29.231,00 109.035,00
3002 3002295481 2023 08.2023 -38.453,00 70.582,00
3002 3002280650 2023 09.2023 19.170,00 89.752,00


For this table i have to calculate the cumulative amount for each ID, no matter the period, as you can see in the column "Cumulative EXPECTED".

I have to create a Pivot table based on these columns (without column "Value").

Can anyone please suggest a way i can do this.  😞 

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1 Solution

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Sorry I missed the "for each ID", this should be better, and I have added a YearlyCumulative field:

   ,If(Peek(ID)=ID,RangeSum(Value,Peek(TotalCumulative)),Value) as TotalCumulative
   ,If(Peek(Year)=Year and Peek(ID)=ID,RangeSum(Value,Peek(YearlyCumulative)),Value) as YearlyCumulative
Resident SourceTable
order by ID,Period,CheckNr;

View solution in original post

10 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III

or how to get a cumulative sum per year, where amount for january every year =  amount january + total amount last year.


Something like this:
RangeSum(Above(TOTAL Sum(Value),1,RowNo(TOTAL)),Sum(Value))

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Vincent,

This works fine in a straight table. However, i cannot use this formula in the pivot table. This is why i am hoping there is a way to do this in the script maybe, so that i have a column with all cumulated amount.

p.s i have also tried to get the result by creating an As-Of Table by Period, but the number is reseted every year, and i need that amount from period 12 last year. 😞




Ok, in the script do something like this (your source table is [SourceTable]):

Load *,RangeSum(Value,Peek(Cumulative)) as Cumulative Resident SourceTable
order by Period,CheckNr;

drop Table SourceTable;

Contributor III
Contributor III

I have tried you code, but i get some weird numbers... i believe that the reasons are that there are multiple IDs in the table, and the Order By also does not work somehow properly.

I mean, i have filtered the table to one ID and tried the Order By different fields and also made it ASC, and i am still getting incorect values.


Maybe this is because your field Period is not seen as a date but as a number.
For example, this one is working fine on my side, but I have converted Period initially.

Load ID,CheckNr,Year,MakeDate(Right(Period,4),Left(Period,2)) as Period,Value Inline
3002,3002295481, 2022,01.2022,39531
3002,3002131001, 2022,01.2022,0
3002,3002295481, 2022,02.2022,17729
3002,3002131001, 2022,03.2022,14910
3002,3002280650, 2022,04.2022,38224
3002,3002280650, 2022,05.2022,22042
3002,3002280650, 2022,06.2022,-7395
3002,3002295481, 2022,07.2022,-18807
3002,3002131001, 2022,08.2022,33148
3002,3002131001, 2022,09.2022,-18827
3002,3002124331, 2022,10.2022,11340
3002,3002223674, 2022,11.2022,-9730
3002,3002305918, 2022,12.2022,-7425
3002,3002124331, 2022,12.2022,-25964
3002,3002124251, 2023,02.2023,2023
3002,3002131001, 2023,03.2023,86068
3002,3002131001, 2023,04.2023,-136292
3002,3002351693, 2023,05.2023,3207
3002,3002131001, 2023,06.2023,102385
3002,3002131001, 2023,07.2023,-105491
3002,keine Zuordnung,2023,08.2023,88776
3002,3002124331, 2023,08.2023,14624
3002,3002223674, 2023,08.2023,9730
3002,3002305918, 2023,08.2023,7425
3002,3002280650, 2023,08.2023,-22965
3002,3002131001, 2023,08.2023,-29231
3002,3002295481, 2023,08.2023,-38453
3002,3002280650, 2023,09.2023,19170];

Load *,RangeSum(Value,Peek(Cumulative)) as Cumulative Resident SourceTable
order by Period,CheckNr;

drop Table SourceTable;


Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Vincent, this code seems to work only when there is one ID. But i have Many ID, that can have the same checkNr. 

I was wondering if it's possible to somehow sum cumulative for the whole year, and store the value into january next year. In this case, cumulate sum for year 2022 must be = 88.776,00. This value should be stored as new value for Periode 01.2023. Then i could comfortably use the As- Of Table in order to get the cumulative sums for each year in the Pivot Table.

Contributor III
Contributor III

In the end it would look like:

3002 3002124331 2022 12.2022 -25.964,00 88.776,00
3002 sumLastYear 2023 01.2023 88.776,00 88.776,00
3002 3002124251 2023 02.2023 2.023,00 90.799,00

Sorry I missed the "for each ID", this should be better, and I have added a YearlyCumulative field:

   ,If(Peek(ID)=ID,RangeSum(Value,Peek(TotalCumulative)),Value) as TotalCumulative
   ,If(Peek(Year)=Year and Peek(ID)=ID,RangeSum(Value,Peek(YearlyCumulative)),Value) as YearlyCumulative
Resident SourceTable
order by ID,Period,CheckNr;