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I'm trying to create bar chart with data island date as dimension. I'm facing a challenge in getting the required output. My measure is as follows:
Dimensions: Year-Quarter-Month-Day(From DataIsland)
Measure: count({<BTL_TRANS_TYPE-={2},B_ISCANCELED={0},ISCANCELED={0},BTL_TRANS_DATE={">=$(vMaxDate365) <=$(vMaxDate)"}>}distinct BENEFICIARY_KEY)
vMaxDate: =Date(max(Date))
vMaxDate365: =Date(max(Date)-365)
The bold variables are from data island. I'm getting the same result for all the years.
I need the count of beneficiaries who has transactions between 365 days from the max date for each date.
The above measure gives correct values as a kpi object with selections too.
For example:
Jan 01, 2017 - the count should be from the measure which is count of beneficiaries for the past year (Dec 01, 2016 - Jan 01, 2017)
Feb 01, 2017 - the count should be from the measure which is count of beneficiaries for the past year (Jan 01, 2017 - Feb 01, 2017)
Hey, If you were able to find the solution can you please share, I am also stuck in same kind of problem.