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Dividing a Cumulative Sum by a Total in a Line Graph


I have searched high and low but cannot find my answer. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction, or even if my current model simply won't allow for it:

I need to form a line graph to show how much of a total was cleared by X time in QlikSense. I have two tables: one with invoices where each invoice appears only once and one with the receipts that clear that invoice where each invoice may have multiple receipts that relate to it; each receipt is assigned an age band which relates to how long it took for the receipt to be received relative to when the invoice was due to be cleared (i.e. day 7, day 14 etc). Each invoice has a quarter that it was due and I want to have one line of the graph for each of these quarters.

I can form a running sum of the receipts by each age band split across the quarter that they are due using:

Sum(Aggr(RangeSum(Above(Sum([Payment Amount]), 0, RowNo())), [Due Quarter], [Age Band]))

And it produces the below:


However, I now need to divide each of these by the total amount due in each quarter to the get a running % of the amount cleared by each period in time.

I can get the 'correct' number of the total due each quarter to appear as a single point on a line graph using:

Aggr(Sum([Original Gross Amount]), [Due Quarter])


However, I cannot get essentially a set of horizontal lines for each point so that they show the total for the quarter regardless of the age band of receipts which would then allow me to combine the two graphs to form a running %. Not every age band will show up for every invoice in the data.

The invoice table (although it has far more fields in reality) is like this:

Invoice Number Due Quarter Amount
1 Q1-2023 100
2 Q2-2023 300
3 Q3-2023 500
4 Q4-2023 150
5 Q1-2024 64
6 Q1-2023 24
7 Q2-2023 566
8 Q3-2023 122
9 Q4-2023 46
10 Q1-2024 677


And the receipts table look like this (they relate via Invoice Number):

Receipt Number Invoice Number Receipt Amount Age Band
1 1 50 Due Date
2 2 150 7 Days
3 3 250 14 Days
4 4 75 Due Date
5 5 32 28 Days
6 6 12 21 Days
7 7 283 7 Days
8 8 61 Due Date
9 9 23 7 Days
10 10 338.5 14 Days
11 1 50 21 Days
12 2 150 7 Days
13 3 250 Due Date
14 4 75 7 Days
15 5 32 14 Days
16 6 12 Due Date
17 7 283 7 Days
18 8 61 14 Days
19 9 23 Due Date
20 10 338.5 28 Days


Anything anyone can do to assist me with this one, I'd appreciate it.





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