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Expression or data model adjustment?

I've simplified my data model in the follow table with some sample data.

To give some context, the data exists out of 3 concatenated data sets:

1. Email
2. Email + Email Content Block
3. Email + Email Content Block + Product

An email can have multiple content blocks
Content blocks can contain multiple products

Data table.PNG

When i select email 1, i get a nice overview with the included content blocks and Products.

However, i also want to do this vice versa. Hence, when i select CTN i want to see the linked content blocks and emails and the respective #Send value.

See below for the desired output: 
Select Brush, i want to see the sends from row 4, because this email (1) does include this product.
I also want to see the sends from row 3, because this content block (A) also included this product. 
And i also want to see, but that will anyway work, the sends from row 1, because those are the sends for this product. 

Table Brush.PNG

Same method when i filter in the Cluster. 

Table Brush 2.PNG

And same when is filtered on the Email Content Block. 

Content Block B.PNG


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1 Reply

I'm not quite sure if I understand your question right but I think it's not possible with a normal hierarchically data-structure and normal selections.

You may be able to show the wanted views by applying an appropriate set analysis within the object dimensions/expressions, like:

sum({< Product, Email = p(Email)>} Value)

which ignores the selections in Product but returned only possible Email in regard to the Product selection. For your mentioned example + screenshot it would return for the Product selection of 'Brush' the Rownr 1 - 5.