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Hello, I have a similar error with Dynamic View.
The error is: Type Error: Cannot read properties of undefined ( reading '0').
This happens when loading dynamic view graphics. But it can disappear by applying filters but can also come back… I don't really understand how it appears and where the problem comes from Would you be where it comes from?
I have attached a screenshot. thanks in advance
This errors happens when one of your filters has been set like a number and you are giving him string, so he can't not interpret the data correctly , check on the selections if everything is matching.
Or you sending a parameter with doesn't not exist.
Hello @srchagas , I put my variables in string after in number but nothing works. I made the same request directly in Snowflake and they turned out fine…
Here is the odag variable initialization script:
"Ticket_Caisse_Valide_Site_Identifiant" as "CODE_SITE",
RIGHT("Ticket_Caisse_Valide_Article_Code", 6 ) as ARTICLE_CODE,
"Calendrier_Mois_Code" AS MOIS_ANNEE,
sum("Ticket_Caisse_Valide_Montant_Ligne_Montant_NET") as FVTE_CA_PVP_TTC_NET,
LEFT JOIN v_d_calendrier
ON to_date("Ticket_Caisse_Valide_Date_Enregistrement") = v_d_calendrier."Calendrier_Date"
WHERE (case
when concat($(odag_MOIS_ANNEE))='' then 1=1
else "Calendrier_Mois_Code" =
(SELECT MAX("Calendrier_Mois_Code")
FROM v_d_calendrier
WHERE "Calendrier_Mois_Code" IN ($(odag_MOIS_ANNEE)))
AND (case
when concat($(odag_ARTICLE_CODE))='' then 1=1
else RIGHT("Ticket_Caisse_Valide_Article_Code", 6 ) in ($(odag_ARTICLE_CODE)))
AND (case
when concat($(odag_CODE_SITE))='' then 1=1
else "Ticket_Caisse_Valide_Site_Identifiant" in ($(odag_CODE_SITE))
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3;
thanks in advance
when you run directly the app works ?
does the field are with "_" or space? , the odag name field has ben equals to the app will sent the parameters
When launching the application it works since there is a default filter that selects few articles. But for example if I want to take all the articles it does not work and displays the error marked above.
In terms of naming, I used the same field with the same name to avoid bugs.
The field is fine with "_" (ARTICLE_CODE") but there is no space.