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Hi, since yesterday I started getting this error while trying to reload the script of an app. I was able to refresh the app many times before, didn't change anything in the script.
The error happens while trying to fetch data from a Google SpreadSheet.
I created a separate app reading directly that GSS and worked fine, so it happens in the other app that contains a for next loop and read many GSS, in the second GSS is failing, but if I tried to read that GSS directly from another app it works.
I think it hints that any on the data has changed. If you know the breaking point (the mentioned second iteration) you could look what's different against the previous version (I hope there is one). Never worked with GSS but relating to Excel the differences may be very small - any extra row/column maybe with an invisible space or a formatting could causing troubles.
Hello Marcus, thanks for the answer.
Is not a specific GSS, and also sometimes I have the error, sometimes I don't. In this specific case I have a for next loop that is iterating over many GSS id's and loading them, and it failes in different parts of the loop.
I think I would include the ERRORMODE within the load to continue the load without an error and additionally storing the information which files where successfully loaded and which one were skipped and some more information like the error itself and file-information like size and timestamp and of course the date + time + iteration-number of the loop-execution and maybe some more helpful data. The aim behind it is to identify the failing ones - are it always the same or always different ones or to detect any pattern to get hints on the real cause.