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Hi, I'm not very experienced in QlikView and I need help to export a Horizontally straight table into excel keeping the horizontal data.
If I send this table to excel
by clicking XL button, on Chart caption I get
I can export to Excel and open the Paste Special dialog box, then select Transpose.... but my boss doesn't want to this way.
I cannot change chart type into pivot because I have a more complex chart that will use this solution.
Can someone help me?
eh while 12.60 is out of support its not terribly old, I just tried it in 12.90 and it also outputs to Excel but down the page 😞 I'm not aware of another solution besides what you already found 😞
Hi Paolo, maybe this will help:
To export a horizontal straight table to Excel while preserving the horizontal layout, you can follow these steps:
1. In the straight table properties, go to the Presentation tab and ensure the "Column Alpha" option is set to "Show Column".
2. Save the straight table and check if there are any hidden columns. If so, set them to be visible.
3. Once all columns are visible, right-click on the straight table and select "Export" > "Export Contents to Excel File".
By making all columns visible before exporting, the horizontal layout should be maintained in the exported Excel file.
Hi, I tried to follow your instructions, but they didn’t work. Did you try opening the qvw file in your computer?
If yes, can you get me back your qvw file?
Thank you