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Creator II
Creator II

Filtering custom dimension

I have a custom dimension "Cust. Pareto" that is based on the "Customer" field.  When I click on a filter pane or table column for that dimension, a filter is applied, but the filter is based on the Customer field, not my custom dimension.  This is confusing to users because there's no way to tell how they arrived at that particular selection of customers.  It's worse when you have custom dimensions based on multiple fields.  Is there any way to have the filter bar show the filter as the user applied it instead of translating it to filters on the underlying fields?



= Aggr({1}
    If(Rangesum(Above(Sum(Revenue), 0, RowNo())) / Sum(TOTAL Revenue) <= 0.8,
       'A', 'B'),
    (Customer, (=Sum(Revenue), Desc))



What the filter bar looks like now when I click a cell in the table with the value "A":

ScreenClip [14].png


What I'd like the filter bar to look like instead:

Cust. Pareto
3 Replies

In its current form, I don't think this is possible

Creator II
Creator II

Meaning Qlik Sense's current form?

AFAIK, both Qlik Sense or QlikView won't be able to do what you want.... In QlikView you can create custom current selection box, which you might be able to do in Qlik Sense too, but not sure how you would remove the default selection view.