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Hi all. I'm creating a report where I need to bring in the last charge amount.
An example of my data is:
RentStartDate RentAmt
01/01/2020 300.00
01/09/2020 360.00
01/10/2020 260.00
01/11/2020 270.00
At present I'm using:
Sum({<selectedToDate = {'$(=max(RentStartDate))'}>} RentAmt)
Where selectedToDate is a date variable that a user can select on the report.
Where RentStartDate is the start date of the rent record and RentAmt is the rent charge amount that I want to bring in.
I've selected 02/10/2020 on my report which I would expect to return 260.00, however it is bringing through 1190 which is the total of all of the RentAmts.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can not make a modifier for a variable, you can only do it for fields. Consider set analysis as a way to create invisible selection in your data model in order to get a correct calculation.
I'll try to rewrite you expression as I understood you, correct me if you think that I missunderstood you.
Sum({<RentStartDate={'$(=maxstring({<RentStartDate={" <=' $(selectedToDate)'} ">} RentStartDate))' } RentAmt)