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Flags into table

Hi Community!

If(Date(LTAEndDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') > Date(LTAStartDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') OR LTAStartDate = '01/01/1900', 1, 0) as LTAVAL01Flag,

IF(Floor((Date(LTAEndDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') - Date(LTAStartDate,'DD/MM/YYYY')) / 365) > 1 OR LTAStartDate = '01/01/1900', 1,0) as LTAVAL02Flag,

If( LTAStartDate <= PolicyEffectiveDate and LTAStartDate <= PolicyExpiryDate,1,0) AS LTAVAL03Flag,

If( LTAStartDate <= PolicyEffectiveDate and LTAStartDate <= PolicyExpiryDate,1,0) AS LTAVAL04Flag,

IF(Floor((Date(LTAEndDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') - Date(LTAStartDate,'DD/MM/YYYY')) / 365) > 7 OR LTAStartDate = '01/01/1900', 1, 0 ) as LTAVAL05Flag,


I have included this into the back end script. Essentially what do I need to do to create a table to bring through only where these flags = '1'? I will then use that logic to create another table where the flags = '0', giving the table they want to view and then any descrepencies in another table. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Policy No
Error First reported date
Error Code
Error Reason
Source System
Current Policy Amount

The final report will be this list, and the flags will be the error code and error reason. 

Another question is that is there a way to time stamp when a record goes into this table. so for example if the table has loaded today, and another reload was on the 1/12/2020. How can I create a record to state when that error was first picked up? So when I reloaded today one of the errors will state that the error was picked up on the 1/12/2020.


would greatly appreciate the help. thanks

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