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Good morning
I've tried to follow the steps of https://community.qlik.com/t5/Member-Articles/Loading-Image-files-stored-in-database-into-a-Qlik-Sen... to show the images I have in our DB in Qlik. But no luck. I'll include my steps and print screens to show you what I've done and hopefully someone can notice where I went wrong:
Data Connection works :
Load Script results in no errors :
MultiMedia_Content is a long binary in our database.
MultiMedia_Content_Type is varchar(129) in our database and is either image/jpeg or image/bmp or image/png.
Result on sheet including possible filters:
MultiMedia_Content only shows 8 results while there are 55 pictures in our DB.
Seems like that value you are getting is the "image signature" and not the base64 format. Try doing this
TO_BASE64STRING(blob_column) for the image.
Regards - Jandre
Brilliant! I used base64_encode( ) in my SQL statement and => VICTORY!
Thank you so much!
Can you add a screenshot of the MultiMedia_Image field.
Based on the script above I suspect a result like this,
You will need the base64 information, Perhaps try a Text() over that field and make sure this contains the base64 information.
I have now tried to use Text() in my load script as such, but MultiMedia_Content is still off.
In the database the value is in fact for example: 0x3ed1fece355 ... so I don't get why it's these weird characters.
When I use ODBC to connect to the database however, I get something that seems correct but for my 55 images in the DB, it seems like only 2 different MultiMedia_Content values were uploaded
This one looks correct, is this via ODBC and not OLE DB?
If you use this one in a Map object does your image show?
Regards - Jandre
For the OLE DB connection you can try doing something like this on the image_content field
SELECT CAST(image_field AS VARBINARY(MAX)) AS image_data
Regards - Jandre
This is using ODBC, but still nada in my Map object
I think this might get cut-off somewhere. Try the Cast I mentioned earlier and lets test that?
Regards - Jandre
With OLE DB connector, and changes to my select statement in the DB:
Again the weird characters appear:
That's very strange. Are you forced to wotk with OLE DB connection now or can the ODBC work?
Also - With the ODBC where the MultiMedia_image "seems" correct, Are you sure that is base64 format, Something still doesn't look correct in the string. I would expect lower and upper case values. Here is a emoji in base64.
You can try this in a variable with a map just to see if the map (image) is rendering correctly, after this I would focus on the ODBC to get that string in a Base64 format. If possible you can share a value (like I did above) and I can try and see what this actually is?
Regards - Jandre
Seems like that value you are getting is the "image signature" and not the base64 format. Try doing this
TO_BASE64STRING(blob_column) for the image.
Regards - Jandre