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Hello world,
I have to create a simple line chart like that.
My data look like this :
Customer | BeginDate | EndDate | speDate | Value |
A | 01/01/2022 | 05/02/2022 | 01/01/2022 | High |
A | 06/02/2022 | 18/02/2022 | 01/01/2022 | Low |
B | 14/12/2021 | 27/12/2021 | - | Medium |
B | 28/12/2021 | 12/01/2022 | 29/12/2021 | High |
B | 13/01/20121 | 18/02/2022 | 29/12/2021 | Low |
... |
This table shows evolution of the customer over the time (begin to end date, then a new line with the following beginDate to end date...)
I've created a link calendar table to [BeginDate-EndDate]. So I can display for each month the number of distinct customer.
Here :
Dec.21 = 1 (B)
Jan.22 = 2 (A & B)
Feb.22 = 2 (A & B)
But a new kpi needs to be displayed :
Number of clients per month and with speDate in the month.
The result will be :
Dec.21 = 1 (B)
Jan.22 = 1 (A)
Feb.22 = 0
As my month dimension is linked to [BeginDate-EndDate], I don't know how to tell that my month dimension needs also to reduce on another Date field.
If someone have an idea, i will really appreciate the help !
Thanks !
Hi Cdecluseau_umanis,
Would you be able to provide a sample QVD with a smal set of dummy data and your line graph?
So that we can have a look at what you created and how to adjust this to your additional needs?
Kind regards,