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Help create this app

Hi all, 

I am a newcomer to Qlik and am learning as I go. Recently I have come across some data that I need to develop and app for and include graphs. I’m not to sure how to navigate it. If someone would be kind enough to talk me through the expressions for the measures and dimensions and tell me what links should be made with which tables etc so I can understand this more that would be amazing.

I have included the pdf below.



7 Replies
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Hey @Romeo1 ,

This is simple. Let's start by understanding the requirements. Read the entire document so you understand the ask.

Then you will need to start bringing you data together. On item 3. Table overview, you have subsections for the datasets that you need to bring. For each of the 11 datasets, you might need to create a Data Connection, which is basically a way for Qlik to fetch the data.

Create a new app. Then go to the Data Load Editor. You will find the Data connections panel on your right-hand side. Click on Create new connection. Create one connection for each data file. Give it a meaningful name.

Once you have done that, You will see the Select Data icon for each of the data connections. Click on it to open up the wizard. The load data screen is very intuitive. Your objective is to select the fields mentioned on the document and include the script into the app.

Once you have done that, you might reload the app. This will pull the data for you to analyze.

Once the data is loaded, go to Sheets, create sheets so you can create the visualizations.

For each visualization type you select, you might need one or more Dimensions or measures. Use them to fill in the requirements.

Share your steps, struggles and findings at that point so we fine-tune the assistance.

Good luck and happy Qliking!

Specialist II
Specialist II

As you said you are new to Qlik, I would say to start by taking a look at the qlik learning courses, this will help you on this journey at the beginning, as well as qlik help.

See the links below:

- Regards, Matheus

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I’ve done all those steps but now I need to create my measures and that’s where I am having some difficulty. For example Margin % I used the expression:

Sum(Sales-(UnitCost*Quantity))/Sum(Sales) but it shows error messages aswell as for other measures. I need to find the CYTD and LYTD, Discounts, Sales, Orders and Change in % also but I think I need to first create the variables for CYTD and LYTD for anything involving those right as for the errors on everything else I’m not sure.


You're literally asking for us to do your homework assignment? 🙂

If you have specific questions, you can share them in this space. Asking for people to create your entire homework app for you from scratch is not reasonable.


I’m actually trying and managed to get upto the measures and dimensions part which I’m stuck on. I’m a visual learner, especially with Qlik I’d prefer to see how to do something than just be told. I need to now add the appropriate visualisations but need to select the correct measures and dimensions but like I said some of them are showing errors. 


These measures show errors in the expressions, I want to know if they look right for what they are calculating?

Discount % change:

([Discount CYTD]-[Discount LYTD])/[Discount LYTD]

Sales people (to find the distinct employees responsible for sales):


And then the margin % one previously stated.

Anything including CYTD and LYTD do I need to have them set as variables first maybe that’s why it’s not recognising them?





As I said, if you have *specific* questions, this space can help. Just saying "I am getting errors from my measures and dimensions" isn't something we can help you with. You should also be specific about the field names and such, rather than expect people to read the entire assignment PDF.