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I would like hide the dimension or measure of the menu of a chart edition.
I want that only several columns of the tables was available to choose there.
For example, of a table I want see to choose the "name" but I don't want have the option of take "idName".
I add a image to show where I want hide the columns of the table.
In this case I want hide the colums if the ids.
Someone knows how I can do it?
Thanks and regards.
How about using the HidePrefix? Your dimension name would have to change though.
the only way to hide is to comment this field(dimension) by "//" in scrypt.
Try it.
If you comment the field in the script, the field will be unselected, but the relation with others tables will be broken.
So it is like field don't exist.
I want that field exist, and that have relations with others tables, but I would like hide it/them of the possibilities of choice of the charts.
Thanks by the answer.
How about using the HidePrefix? Your dimension name would have to change though.
Thank you so much. I tried this and work. Only I wanted ask you which way is the best.
set HidePrefix='_' ;
[idTiempo] AS [_TABLE.idTiempo], <-- This
[idUnidad] AS _[TABLE.idUnidad], <-- Or this
[valor] AS [TABLE.valor];
Thanks again.
this is the better option
[idUnidad] AS _[TABLE.idUnidad], <-- Or this