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Contributor III
Contributor III

How to Rename & Hide All Fields in Qlik Sense App

Here is a simple and effective way to rename all fields in the data model, then hide them to front end users using HidePrefix setting. 


// Test table 1
load * inline [
CompanyID, MarketName
Company1, California
Company2, North Carolina
Company3, Florida

// Test Table 2 
load * inline [
PersonID, PersonName
1, John
2, MadDog
3, Dave

// Get list of table names 
for t = 0 to NoOfTables()-1
    load tablename($(t)) as table AutoGenerate(1); 
    let tablename = peek('table',$(t),'Tables'); 

        // Now get list of each field name within each table
        for i = 1 to NoOfFields('$(tablename)')
        mapping load FieldName($(i),'$(tablename)') as OldFieldName,
        'Hide.'&FieldName($(i),'$(tablename)') as NewFieldName
         AutoGenerate (1); 
        next i; // next field 
next t; // next table

// Rename these field names now
Rename Fields using FieldNames;

// Clean up unwanted table 
drop tables Tables;

// Decide whether to hide all fields
let hide = 1; 
if $(hide) =1 then 
    // hide all these fields now 
    Set HidePrefix = 'Hide'; 
end if ; 
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