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I am trying to create multiple QVDs from another QVD based on the Booking Year. I have this code in my script (orginally from this post https://community.qlik.com/t5/QlikView-App-Dev/How-to-create-Year-wise-Qvd-dynamically/td-p/1637440) -
Remove the square brackets from Booking Year. Those are messing up the script.
Your struggling is caused from peek() which starts with an index of 0. This means by looping from 1 to noofrows() you will skip the first value which won't result in a load-error but the max. value from noofrows() is greater as the max. possible index-value for peek() which results in NULL for peek() and this will remove the variable.
Therefore just use as iteration-logic:
for n = 0 to noofrows('table') - 1
and then you could call $(n) within the peek().
Beside this if there are any performance-issue with this data-set there would be a lot potential to optimize this slicing approach.
I tried that-
let vYear =Peek('Booking Year',$(n)-1,'TempYear')
same error. vYear is null.
Thanks Marcus. That worked.
I am not sure what you mean on this -
@marcus_sommer wrote:
Beside this if there are any performance-issue with this data-set there would be a lot potential to optimize this slicing approach.
Do you mean optimize before the slicing ?
Working script-
load Distinct [Booking Year]
resident QV_SICS_Booking;
//let vYear =Peek('Booking Year',0,'TempYear');
LET NumRows=NoOfRows('TempYear');
trace $(NumRows);
For n=0 To $(NumRows)-1
let vYear=Peek('Booking Year',$(n),'TempYear') ;
trace $(vYear);
load *
resident QV_SICS_Booking
where [Booking Year] = $(vYear);
let vFileName='QV_SICS_Booking-'& $(vYear) ;
store TempQV_SICS_Booking into D:\QVSOURCEDOCS\DEV\Source\QVD\$(vFileName).qvd (qvd);
drop table TempQV_SICS_Booking;
next n;
drop table TempYear;
Thanks agian,
Optimizing means doing something like this:
t1: load num(fieldvalue('Booking Year', recno())) as X autogenerate fieldvaluecount('Booking Year');
drop tables QV_SICS_Booking;
for i = 1 to fieldvaluecount('X')
t2: load num(fieldvalue('X', $(i))) as [Booking Year] autogenerate 1;
t3: load * from QV_SICS_Booking.qvd (qvd) where exists([Booking Year]);
store t3 into QV_SICS_Booking_$(i).qvd (qvd); drop tables t2, t3;
drop tables t1;
respectively as description:
Hi Marcus
This is great info. I did not even think to think of this...
Thank You!