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I'm not sure if this can work, but I've got the following table:
Dept | User | AScore | FScore |
A1 | Bob | 1 | 3 |
A1 | Sally | 2 | 5 |
A2 | Jenn | 1 | 5 |
A2 | Marty | 4 | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Each user will have an AScore (1-5) and an FScore (1-5)
I want to create a stacked bar chart that counts the number of users for each department and score type (A/F), by score value (1-5).
The chart should have Dept & score type on the Y-axis and bar segments that count users by score value for the given Dept & score type.
To simplify things I created a separate table that concats distinct Dept and score type for each existing score value, thereby converting 3 dimensions into 2:
Dept_Type | Score |
A1_A | 1 |
A1_A | 2 |
A1_F | 3 |
A1_F | 5 |
A2_A | 1 |
A2_A | 4 |
A2_F | 1 |
A2_F | 5 |
I was hoping I could create the stacked bar chart with Dept_Type as dimension 1, Score as dimension 2 and then create a measure that counts users by dept, type and value with an expression like:
if (Right(Dept_Type,1)='A',
count( {<Dept={$(=left(Dept_Type,2))}, AScore=Score>} User), // count users by AScore
count( {<Dept={$(=left(Dept_Type,2))}, FScore=Score>} User) // count users by FScore
But this doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong or am I trying to do the impossible? FYI the reason I don't just count records in the Dept_Type/Score table is that I want the resulting bar chart to be reactive to User and Dept selections.
Thanks for any help,
I figured it out.
=count( aggr(
if(Dept=subfield(Dept_Type,'_',1) and AScore=Score,User),
if(Dept=subfield(Dept_Type,'_',1) and FScore=Score,User)),
I figured it out.
=count( aggr(
if(Dept=subfield(Dept_Type,'_',1) and AScore=Score,User),
if(Dept=subfield(Dept_Type,'_',1) and FScore=Score,User)),