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In the load statement how do I make this column
What has contributed most to your production or success to date? |
Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Technology (i.e. Agent Assist, virtual enrollment tools, etc.) |
Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) |
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation;Ability to gain new accounts |
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) |
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) |
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation |
Look like this
Option1 | Option2 | Option3 | Option4 | Option5 |
Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) | Technology (i.e. Agent Assist, virtual enrollment tools, etc.) | |||
Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) | ||||
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) | Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) | Understanding of compensation | Ability to gain new accounts | |
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) | Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) | |||
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) | ||||
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) | Understanding of compensation |
Try something like this
'@' & F2 & '@';
F1, F2
Training, Option 1
Support, Option 2
Technology, Option 3
Understanding, Option 4
Ability, Option 5
LOAD [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?],
TextBetween(MapSubString('OptionMapping', Value), '@', '@') as Option;
LOAD [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?],
Trim(SubField([What has contributed most to your production or success to date?], ';')) as Value;
What has contributed most to your production or success to date?
"Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Technology (i.e. Agent Assist, virtual enrollment tools, etc.)"
"Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) "
"Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation;Ability to gain new accounts"
"Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) "
"Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) "
"Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation"
LOAD Distinct [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?]
Resident Table;
FOR i = 1 to FieldValueCount('Option')
LET vOption = FieldValue('Option', $(i));
Left Join (FinalTable)
LOAD [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?],
Value as [$(vOption)]
Resident Table
Where Option = '$(vOption)';
DROP Table Table;