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Subfield to separate columns mapping values

In the load statement how do I make this column 

What has contributed most to your production or success to date?
Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Technology (i.e. Agent Assist, virtual enrollment tools, etc.)
Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) 
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation;Ability to gain new accounts
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) 
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) 
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation


Look like this

 Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) Technology (i.e. Agent Assist, virtual enrollment tools, etc.)  
 Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.)    
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.)  Understanding of compensationAbility to gain new accounts
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.)    
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.)     
Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.)   Understanding of compensation 
1 Reply

Try something like this

	 '@' & F2 & '@';
    F1, F2
    Training, Option 1
    Support, Option 2
    Technology, Option 3
    Understanding, Option 4
    Ability, Option 5

LOAD [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?],
	 TextBetween(MapSubString('OptionMapping', Value), '@', '@') as Option;
LOAD [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?],
	 Trim(SubField([What has contributed most to your production or success to date?], ';')) as Value;	 
    What has contributed most to your production or success to date?
    "Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Technology (i.e. Agent Assist, virtual enrollment tools, etc.)"
    "Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) "
    "Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation;Ability to gain new accounts"
    "Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Support from sales team (Coaching sessions, joint field work, ongoing communication, etc.) "
    "Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) "
    "Training (Foundations Class, Opener GPS, etc.) ;Understanding of compensation"

LOAD Distinct [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?]
Resident Table;

FOR i = 1 to FieldValueCount('Option')

	LET vOption = FieldValue('Option', $(i));
	Left Join (FinalTable)
	LOAD [What has contributed most to your production or success to date?],
		 Value as [$(vOption)]
	Resident Table
	Where Option = '$(vOption)';

DROP Table Table;