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Sum of AMount using Max version Logic in Qlikview - Expression


I have to create the following logic in the expression not in the script in a straight / Pivot table.

1. Retrieve all the rows where CREATION_DATE is less than the User Selected date AS_DATED.
(Not shown in the sample data). AS_DATED is a filter in the sheet from where user can select a date.
2. Then for each LNUMBER, Select the distinct TERM IDs available.
3. For each distinct TERM_IDs then select the MAX Version. There may be multiple rows with max version.
4. Then SUM the amount.

In the example below the output should be the last 3 lines. Sum Of Amount should be (16.5+ (-74.93) + .54)=  - 57.89

ID LNumber Flag Version Term ID Created Date Type Short Date AMOUNT
2245 VU66PWY N 4481 2245 14-Jan-21 AMORTIZATION 01-04-2021 16.5
2245 VU66PWY N 5035 2245 14-Jan-21 AMORTIZATION 01-04-2021 16.5
2245 VU66PWY N 5035 78244 20-Apr-21 AMORTIZATION 30-04-2021 -74.93
2245 VU66PWY N 5035 2245 20-Apr-21 AMORTIZATION 30-04-2021 0.54


Can you please help?


Many Thanks


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