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Contributor III
Contributor III

The issue about task called Reload Operations Monitor

Hi everyone,when i reload the task call relaod operations monitor,it is failed,could somebady help me ,pls!

the log:

2018-05-02 18:01:43      Execution started.

2018-05-02 18:01:43      Qlik Sense Server Version     12.2.4

2018-05-02 18:01:43      CPU Target                    x64

2018-05-02 18:01:43      Operating System              Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1 (64 bit edition)

2018-05-02 18:01:43      Wow64 mode                    Not using Wow64

2018-05-02 18:01:43      Language                      0804 中文(简体,中国) Chinese (Simplified)

2018-05-02 18:01:43      Country                       86 中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China

2018-05-02 18:01:43      MDAC Version                  6.1.7601.17514

2018-05-02 18:01:43      MDAC Full Install Version     6.1.7601.17514

2018-05-02 18:01:43      PreferredCompression          2

2018-05-02 18:01:43      EnableParallelReload          1

2018-05-02 18:01:43      ParallelizeQvdLoads           1

2018-05-02 18:01:43      EnableFlushLog                0

2018-05-02 18:01:43      UserLogfileCharset            65001

2018-05-02 18:01:43      OdbcLoginTimeout              -1

2018-05-02 18:01:43      OdbcConnectionTimeout         -1

2018-05-02 18:01:43      LongestPossibleLine           1048576

2018-05-02 18:01:43      ScriptWantsDbWrite            false

2018-05-02 18:01:43      ScriptWantsExe                false

2018-05-02 18:01:43      LogFile CodePage Used:        65001

2018-05-02 18:01:43      UseMemoryFillPattern          1

2018-05-02 18:01:43      ScriptMode                    Standard (limits system access)

2018-05-02 18:01:43      SequentialThreadCount         16

2018-05-02 18:01:43      NumberOfCores (effective)     4

2018-05-02 18:01:43      ReloadCodebase                Classic

2018-05-02 18:01:44      Reload Executed By            UserDirectory=INTERNAL; UserId=sa_scheduler

2018-05-02 18:01:44      Process Executing             Qlik Sense Server

2018-05-02 18:01:44      Process ID                    3220

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0005 Let ReloadStartTime = now(1)

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0006 SET app_version = '3.1.0'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0007 Let comp = ComputerName()

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0008 LET ProdVer = PurgeChar(ProductVersion(),chr(39))

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0009 LET startMsg = 'Reloading Operations Monitor 3.1.0 from MERID-Q running version 3.2.2'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0010 TRACE Reloading Operations Monitor 3.1.0 from MERID-Q running version 3.2.2

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0010 Reloading Operations Monitor 3.1.0 from MERID-Q running version 3.2.2

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0011

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0012 SET monthsOfHistory = 12

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0013 LET cutoffDate = AddMonths(today(1),-12,1)

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0014 Let LastReloadTime = timestamp(alt(LastSuccessfulReloadStartTime,cutoffDate))

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0015 Let lastReloadCompare = num(LastReloadTime)-1

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0017 LET serverLogFolder = 'lib://ServerLogFolder/'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0018 LET archivedLogsFolder = 'lib://ArchivedLogsFolder/'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0020 LET baseFileName = 'governanceLogContent_3.1.0'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0021 LET baseTableName = 'lib://ServerLogFolder/governanceLogContent_3.1.0'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0022 LET serviceFileName = 'governanceServiceLog_3.1.0'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0023 LET serviceTableName = 'lib://ServerLogFolder/governanceServiceLog_3.1.0'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0024 LET monitorAppStatsFile = 'lib://ServerLogFolder/Operations_Monitor_Reload_Stats_3.1.0.txt'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0026 SET hideprefix = 'log'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0027 SET firstReload = 0

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0030 SET TimeFormat = 'hh:mm:ss'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0031 SET DateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0032 SET TimestampFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'

2018-05-02 18:01:44 0035 SUB logList

5 Replies
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi Junzai,

Instead of pasting the log file, could you attach it?

For the code you sent, there's no indication of error on it, so the complete file is needed.


Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi Felip:

The attachment what i upload was my server operations monitor,thank you !

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


THe thing is, you're trying to use the REST connector and it fails due to this portion:

      2018-05-02 18:05:09 0825 LIB CONNECT TO ***

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0827 RestConnectorMasterTable:

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0828   SQL SELECT

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0829       "id" AS "id_u2",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0830       "createdDate" AS "createdDate_u1",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0831       "modifiedDate" AS "modifiedDate_u1",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0832       "modifiedByUserName" AS "modifiedByUserName_u1",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0833       "userId",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0834       "userDirectory",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0835        "name" AS "name_u0",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0836       "inactive",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0837       "removedExternally",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0838       "blacklisted",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0839       "__KEY_root",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0840       (SELECT

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0841           "@Value" AS "@Value_u0",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0842           "__FK_roles"

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0843       FROM "roles" FK "__FK_roles" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u0"),

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0844       (SELECT

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0845           "id" AS "id_u1",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0846           "createdDate" AS "createdDate_u0",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0847           "modifiedDate" AS "modifiedDate_u0",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0848           "modifiedByUserName" AS "modifiedByUserName_u0",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0849           "attributeType",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0850           "attributeValue",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0851           "externalId",

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0852           "__FK_attributes"

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0853       FROM "attributes" FK "__FK_attributes")

      2018-05-02 18:05:10 0854   FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root"

      2018-05-02 18:05:10      22 fields found: @Value_u0, __FK_roles, id_u1, createdDate_u0, modifiedDate_u0, modifiedByUserName_u0, attributeType, attributeValue, externalId, __FK_attributes, id_u2, createdDate_u1, modifiedDate_u1, modifiedByUserName_u1, userId, userDirectory, name_u0, inactive, removedExternally, blacklisted, __KEY_root, __extra_,

      2018-05-02 18:05:10      Error: QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.

      2018-05-02 18:05:10      Execution Failed

      2018-05-02 18:05:10      Execution finished.

It finds data from your data, but it gets end of data error.

I would advise to try and loading just this portion in a QVW/QVF app and trying the code out to check if it loads correctly.


Contributor III
Contributor III

The problem has been solved,thanks a lot!


Can you share how you solved it? Thanks!