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Tracking Changes - Concatenate / Join


I have a table that contains the following Key Fields:

Req Date, Order Number, Line Number, Qty

I am adding a column called "Status" by adding the following:

IF(today()-[Req Date]<=7,'1to7',if(today()-[Req Date]<=14,'8to14',if(today()-[Req Date]<=21,'15to21',if(today()-[Req Date]<=28,'22to28','Over28'))))

and adding this field so I can refer back to what a position was at a selected date:

today() as [Date Added]

So I end up with a table containing the following fields Req Date, Order Number, Line Number, Qty, Status,Date Added

I need to track the following:

New items:

Items that were not in arrears but are now

Status Change:

Items that were on the report previously but now moved Status, e.g. they were 1to7 days yesterday, but today they are 8to15days old.


Items that were in arrears before but are no longer (they will disappear from the main import if they are no longer in arrears)

What I was thinking is create a master table (Called "Master") which would be my starting point. I would then do the following when the import runs each morning:

1) Find what is new and store in the "New Arrears" table:

So I would check for items that exist in the import but not in the "Master" table and store these in "New Arrears" (along with today() as [Date Added])

2) Find Items where the status has changed and store in the "Changes" table:

I would check for items that exist in the "Master" table AND in the Import, but where "Status" is different - I would then store these in the "Changes" table (along with today() as [Date Added])

3) Find Items that have been cleared and store in the "Cleared" table:

I would check for items that exist in the "Master" table but not in the Import - I would then store these in the "Cleared" table (along with today() as [Date Added])

4) Updated the "Master" table ready for the next run:

I would then add all items that exist in the import but not in the "Master" table into the "Master" table ready for the next time the report is run.

I will then be able to select a date and see what was in arrears, how old it was, what was getting older and what had been cleared in a graph.

I've play around a lot with concatenate but I'm struggling as it's the first time I've really used it in this way.

Please can someone point me in the right direction or advise a better way to do this? An example would be great if someone could take the time to do that.

Thanks in advance


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