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screenshot below (field in question is "transaction tie out")
We have a sheet calculation a former employee created that works as such,
> If( FABS(([Closing UPB] - [Opening UPB]) + [Net Principal Transactions]) = 0, 'Yes', 'No')
1. [Opening UPB]: Done at master item level, calc -> =Sum({<[Reporting Date History]={'$(=min([Reporting Date History]))'}>} [Principal Gross History])
2. [Closing UPB]: Done at master item level, calc -> =<[Reporting Date History]={'$(=max([Reporting Date History]))'}>} [Principal Gross History])
3. Net Principal Transactions: Created as a master item, calc -> = SUM([Principal Payment Transaction Amount] + [Funding Transaction Amount])
>the calculation works MOST of the time, there are times when it is set to NO but the tie out amount is zero, this should actually be set to yes and we dont know why
>tie out amount is the integer or amount result of the tie out calc field on the left.