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Hi all,
I need a solution for the below query,
Assume I have an incident INC001, which has reopencount, opened by and affected user
Now, I need the incidents with the below condition
reopencount -> 0
Opened by -> manager -> Rahul
Affected User -> affiliate -> XXX
I have an incident INC001, which mets the condition,
when I run the above set separately, I am getting 1 each, but when I run both with '+' operator, I am getting 0.
Could anyone help me identify what mistake I am doing.
Note: ticket table is connected with the user table using a link table which has 'User_flag'
Count({<REOPEN_COUNT ={'0'},USER_FLAG={'SUBMITTED'},USER_Manager={'Rahul'}>}[Ticket ID])
Could you please try this expression?
The expression itself seems to be correct which hints for an issue with your data(-quality) and/or the associations. I suggest to create a table-box with the used 5 fields and then try to select the applied values to the relevant fields - on top of your base selection-state. If you couldn't get there the wanted rows you wouldn't get them with the set analysis.