I am using the OCX api library and the OpenDocumentEx method to open documents in a server application.
Previously, it worked with a regular ticket and the document name in te format qvp://{host}/{document_name}?ticket={ticket} .
AxQlikOCXLib.OpenDocumentEx("qvp://{host}/{document_name}?ticket={ticket}", false, username, password)
But since GetTicket is deprecated, we are trying to switch to using GetWebTicket. Accordingly, the document name passed to the method has changed: qvp://{host}/{document_name}?webticket={webticket}
AxQlikOCXLib.OpenDocumentEx("qvp://{host}/{document_name}?webticket={webticket}", false, username, password)
After these changes, the method began to return NULL.
Tell me please how I can solve this problem and is it possible in principle to use this library with WebTicket instead of Ticket?