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I am trying to use stories route to generate powerpoint files of the dashboard. But it seems to be very unpredictable. It takes a lot of time and then the error message that comes up is that unable to create file try again. Is some one else facing the same problem. Is there a hardware issue. Is my Dashboard file getting too large. Any suggestions or line of thought will be helpful..
Hi! It might be that the visualizations you want to export are too large or too many. Try with less charts and/or set lower resolution in the settings.
I know the data is large (100 MB in excel terms with 6 columns). I want to understand how Qlik uses hardware (more RAM? Processor?) . What does large visualization mean? How I can plan the visualization to optimize performance? The visualization has two line graphs and 6 tables in one sheet. It has 17 sheets. Another alternative could have been 4 Apps with 4-5 sheets. I made 4 stories with 4-5 pages so that things don't get too hot . I could have made it in different Apps. Is there a guideline to how to optimize Qlik performace?
I think that two things are important here - the size of the story and the RAM.