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HI all,
I'm trying to understand how can I count B only when A is null. What is the best way, base of performance, and of course, the right calculation.
1. count( {<A={"=Len(Trim([A])) = 0"}>} B)
2. count({<B={"=isnull(A)"}>} B)
3. count({<A={"=isnull(A)"}>} B)
4. Count({1-$<A={"*"}>} B) - if this is the best way, how can I do it with more conditions inside the set analysis ( for example count B if A is null and (C=1 or D=1)
This is only the options that I saw, if anyone have another way I will be happy to hear.
Although you have lot of fields creating lot of flag is not a problem actually it is advisable. If you need to improve the performance of an expression, or just make an expression easier to write, you will probably need to create a flag field in the script.
I don't think the first 3 options suggested by you will work. 4th option will definitely work. If data is huge then definitely there will have performance impact which you may need to test it out . I am sure script flag method will work better. If you want to use more condition in 4th option then you need to use'+' operator within set like below
Count({1-$<A={"*"}>+<C={1},D={1}>} B)
There is another method within set which you can use it . For that you may need to create unique key in script which you can create it using Rowno() function.
RowNo() as Row
FROM source;
Then below set expression
You may need to test out the performance of both of these set options. I am sure the first set method will be faster than using above but I haven't validated.
Best way always is that create a flag in script and use it in set like below
if(len(trim(A))=0,1,0) as Null_Flag
FROM table;
then use below in your measure
Count({<Null_Flag={1}>} B)
Although you have lot of fields creating lot of flag is not a problem actually it is advisable. If you need to improve the performance of an expression, or just make an expression easier to write, you will probably need to create a flag field in the script.
I don't think the first 3 options suggested by you will work. 4th option will definitely work. If data is huge then definitely there will have performance impact which you may need to test it out . I am sure script flag method will work better. If you want to use more condition in 4th option then you need to use'+' operator within set like below
Count({1-$<A={"*"}>+<C={1},D={1}>} B)
There is another method within set which you can use it . For that you may need to create unique key in script which you can create it using Rowno() function.
RowNo() as Row
FROM source;
Then below set expression
You may need to test out the performance of both of these set options. I am sure the first set method will be faster than using above but I haven't validated.
Thanks a lot for your response!
I will try both of the ways.. How can I test my performance for each option? what is the best and easy way to check performance of my app?
Another question about your expression:
Count({1-$<A={"*"}>+<C={1},D={1}>} B)
Isn't '+' operator is 'or'?
I wanted to do - if(A is null and C=1) or (A is null and D=1). How can I do it with 1-$ will be only on A and nor C/D in the expression?
Thanks in advance.
You can use document analyzer tool.
You can try below