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Hi Experts,
I need to set expression in Charts and its ranking need to be shown as top5 and bottom5 together...
Try like this
=aggr(if(rank(sum(value))<=5 or rank(-sum(value))<=5,DIMENSION),DIMENSION)
Hi Avinash,
I have tried the above expression but it does not work...
its working for me ..could share the expression how your trying ?
aggr(if(rank(sum([Sales Target]))<=5 or rank(-sum([Sales Target]))<=5,Customer),Customer)
Your trying this in the expression or dimension?
paste the above expression in the dimension and use sum([Sales Target]) in the expression that should work
Under Dimension i have used field 'Customer' and the above expression i have used in Expression Editor (Dimension)
na use create a calculated dimension
Dimesnion :
aggr(if(rank(sum([Sales Target]))<=5 or rank(-sum([Sales Target]))<=5,Customer),Customer)
sum([Sales Target])
After applying the above expression in master item as dimension now it gives only top 5 customer, bottom 5 is missing...
Hi Avinash,
Any Luck.? i have tried but i got top 5 customers only....need to get bottom 5 too.