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I have created a calendar and want to link a seperate table to the calendar using the year and month, but when i apply the below load scrip the seperate table does not link to the calendar date variable i expect it to, it is just appending the new table values as new rows.
I am expecting the CA_year_month field to match for Dec 2022 - Feb 2022
SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';
let StartDate = date('2022-12-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
let EndDate = date(Today(), 'YYYY-MM-DD');
let vStartNum = num('$(StartDate)');
let vEndNum = num('$(EndDate)');
for i = $(vStartNum) to $(vEndNum)
let vdate = Date(i, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
let vDay = Day(vdate);
let vDateNum = num(Date(Floor(vdate)));
let vWeekday = WeekDay(vdate);
let vWeekstart = Weekstart(vdate);
let vWeekend_sunday = Weekend(vdate);
let vWeekend_friday = date(Weekend(vdate) -2);
let vMonth = dual(Month(Date(floor(vdate))), num(Month(Date(Floor(vdate)))));
let vMonthNum = num(Month(Date(Floor(vdate))), '00');
let vYear = Year(Date(vdate));
let vYearMonth = dual(Year(date(floor(vdate))) & '-' & Month(date(floor(vdate))), MonthStart(date(floor(vdate))));
let vYearMonthNum = num(Year(date(floor(vdate)))) & Month(date(floor(vdate)));
Load * Inline
[%date, CA_Date, CA_Day, CA_DateNum, CA_Weekday, CA_Weekstart, CA_Weekend_sunday, CA_Weekend_friday, CA_Month, CA_MonthNum, CA_Year, CA_year_month,CA_year_month_num
$(vdate), $(vdate), $(vDay), $(vDateNum), $(vWeekday), $(vWeekstart), $(vWeekend_sunday), $(vWeekend_friday), $(vMonth), $(vMonthNum), $(vYear), $(vYearMonth),$(vYearMonthNum)
next i;
LOAD reporting_period,
dual(Year(date(floor(Date(reporting_period,'YYYY-MM-DD')))) & '-' & Month(date(floor(Date(reporting_period,'YYYY-MM-DD')))),
MonthStart(date(floor(Date(reporting_period,'YYYY-MM-DD'))))) as CA_year_month,
Inline [
reporting_period, Punctuality, Reliability
'2022-12-01', .807, .9847
'2023-01-01', .854, .978
'2023-02-01', .999, .999 // placeholder values
This scrip produces this output, notice there are 2 rows for 2022-Dec, 2023 Jan, and 2023 Feb. These should be one row each. The dates are obviously not matching each other, but i dont know what could be causing this.
The formatting is different. If you take away the dual function this works.
The formatting is different. If you take away the dual function this works.
Instead of "For" loop, you can modified with autogenerate functionality like below
SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';
let StartDate = date('2022-12-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
let EndDate = date(Today(), 'YYYY-MM-DD');
let vStartNum = num('$(StartDate)')-1;
let vEndNum = num('$(EndDate)');
LOAD *, Date(%date) as CA_Date, Day(%date) as CA_Day, floor(%date) as CA_DateNum, WeekDay(%date) as CA_Weekday,
dual(Year(%date) & '-' & Month(%date), MonthStart(%date)) as CA_year_month;
Load $(vStartNum)+IterNo() as %date AutoGenerate 1 While $(vStartNum)+IterNo() <= $(vEndNum);
LOAD reporting_period,
dual(Year(date(floor(Date(reporting_period,'YYYY-MM-DD')))) & '-' & Month(date(floor(Date(reporting_period,'YYYY-MM-DD')))),
MonthStart(date(floor(Date(reporting_period,'YYYY-MM-DD'))))) as CA_year_month,
Inline [
reporting_period, Punctuality, Reliability
'2022-12-01', .807, .9847
'2023-01-01', .854, .978
'2023-02-01', .999, .999 // placeholder values
In that case, it will work without any issue and it will load much faster when compare to "For loop".