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Hi All,
we're using Qlik Catalog to import huge tables (containing millions of records) as entities and we would like to leverage the Incremental feature. We read the Qlik Catalog Help page Incremental vs. snapshot base type in distribution tables but is not clear how it works.
We tried to define an entity as incremental (in the Source module, for the property Entity Base Type) and onboard data twice. The first time the full dataset has been onboarded, and the second time the same happened (we expected the delta record there).
Please, can you help me?
Thanks in advance!
Hello Saveriospa!
I'd like to share my experience about this subject.
The field " Entity Base Type" determines what will happen with loads in table. This way if you do full loads twice you can have:
- Snapshot = The lastest load data.
- Incremental = The sum of the two data sets (as you said).
So I usually do it like this:
How can I automate this load process?
Hello Saveriospa!
I'd like to share my experience about this subject.
The field " Entity Base Type" determines what will happen with loads in table. This way if you do full loads twice you can have:
- Snapshot = The lastest load data.
- Incremental = The sum of the two data sets (as you said).
So I usually do it like this:
How can I automate this load process?
Hello Brunno,
thanks a lot for your quick answer!
I tried what you suggested and it works!
When I execute the second time the data onboard (defining the Entity Base Type as Incremental) and the New radio button in the Load Wizard the system create a separate partition for the delta. After, if I query the entity in the Discover Module, the correct total number of record is shown.
I guess it works also if I select the Append radio button (selecting the first partition created) in the Load Wizard, but I think it is better to separate the different delta in ad-hoc partition.
I'm going to deepen the Qlik Catalog APIs available and the shell script, too!
Thanks again for your help!
Hello Brunno,
do you have an example that uses the "src.file.glob" property in the API call /qdc/entity/v1/loadDataForEntities?
I am not sure where this property must be set inside the JSON.
"badRecordCount": 0,
"chaffRecordCount": 0,
"deliveryId": "string",
"endTime": 0,
"entityId": 0,
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"infoMessage": "string",
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"loadTimeInMillis": 0,
"loadType": "APPEND",
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"recordCount": 0,
"sampleRecordCount": 0,
"sourceId": 0,
"sourceName": "string",
"sourceType": "BUILTIN",
"startTime": 0,
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Thank you
Hello albertogiorgi!
I'm attaching an example below.
"timeZoneOffset": 0,
"id": 1094,
"version": 0,
"lastUpdTs": 1661433058312,
"loadTime": 1661433058126,
"startTime": null,
"endTime": null,
"status": "INITIALIZED",
"orderSize": 0,
"recordCount": 0,
"deliveryId": "DEMO_SYNAPSE.funcionario.20220825131058",
"infoMessage": null,
"sampleRecordCount": 0,
"loadTimeInMillis": 1661433058126,
"entityId": 921,
"sourceName": "DEMO_SYNAPSE",
"sourceId": 207,
"entityName": "funcionario",
"sourceType": "JDBC_SOURCE",
"goodRecordCount": 0,
"badRecordCount": 0,
"uglyRecordCount": 0,
"chaffRecordCount": 0,
"expectedRecordCount": 0,
"loadType": "DATA",
"workorderProp": [{
"id": 10334,
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"createdBy": "bsb",
"lastUpdTs": 1661433058337,
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"timeZoneOffset": 0,
"name": "enable.profiling",
"value": "true"
}, {
"id": 10333,
"version": 0,
"createdTs": 1661433058322,
"createdBy": "bsb",
"lastUpdTs": 1661433058322,
"modifiedBy": "bsb",
"timeZoneOffset": 0,
"name": "enable.validation",
"value": "true"
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"id": 115797,
"version": null,
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"value": "0"
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"timeZoneOffset": 0,
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"value": "0"
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"id": 115782,
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"value": "false"
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"id": 115779,
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"value": null
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"id": 115792,
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"value": "Snapshot"
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"name": "entityProp.src.file.glob",
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You can see this snippet:
"name": "entityProp.src.file.glob",
"value": "SELECT [id_func],[nome],[dt_nascimento] FROM [rh].[funcionario] WHERE [id_func] > 100"