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For various reasons, our team is using TOS 6.3. We actually had to downgrade due to some specific issues with 7.x. Up to this point, this version fits all our needs. We use tRestClient quite a bit for a variety of integrations we do. We are now in need to use the PATCH method, which does not work in 6.3. The issue was fixed in 6.4. The short of it is, the issue was not Talend related, it was in the external libraries the component uses (apache cxf). I have worked around this by creating a custom component with the same name and declared all the libraries with the newer version of the cxf binaries, but was curious if there was a way to do this in the Talend mvn repository. Here is a screenshot where these libraries are defined in the component:
Where in Talend are these module groups defined? It would be much easier to update the binaries in Talend, but is this possible?
within the GUI, it's possible to import External JAR:
Windows/perspective, you look for Talend/Modules
Yo ucan see all the modules
You can also here import external modules