Hi, Im so sorry for taking long time. My work and family has made this project to suffer, sorry for this. I have uploaded a QDF for cloud Alfa version here https://github.com/QlikDeploymentFramework/Qlik-Deployment-Framework-Cloud
There are several thinks to take in consideration:
This is an early alfa with several bugs and limitations in Qlik Cloud.
* Shared container is a must and need to be mapped within the reload script, as seen below:
SET vG.HomeContainer='lib://user:OneDrive - mail/QDF_SaaS/Shared';
* In this release all container folders in external drives (folders you want to QDF to identify as Global Variable path) need to include the Info.txt file, as this file identifies the folder as a Global path
* external drives are really picky on trailing slash, for OneDrive no trailing slash is possible
* To identify containers stored in external drives, the base URL need to be specified in vG.SharedBaseVariablePath/ContainerMap.csv
* To identify spaces as containers just add the space name under vG.SharedBaseVariablePath/ContainerMap.csv
* Qlik Cloud spaces has limited support for subfolders, so adding QDF containers to spaces (by same name) only vG.BasePath and vG.QVDPath will work
* To identify spaces as containers just add the space name under vG.SharedBaseVariablePath/ContainerMap.csv* Qlik Cloud spaces hav limited support subfolders, so adding QDF containers to spaces (by same name) only vG.BasePath and vG.QVDPath will work