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QDF v 1.3.2 now avalible

QlikView Deployment framework 1.3.2 is now released

this is a minor upgrade from version 1.3.x

Whats new?

Fixed bug in CreateFolder sub function

Added 'Single Folder' and 'Qualified fields' switches in DoDir sub function

Added short name (LCGV) for LoadContainerGlobalVariables, example: call LCGV('Acme','QVD')

Added 'Include Sub folders' switch to QVDMigration, this will migrate all qvd's within a directory tree

Added new 10.QVDLoad.qvs sub function used when loading up a complete data model from qvd files, including sub folders.

Updated Example_Northwind_Mart that now includes QVDLoad sub function

Changed to REPLACE LOAD in 1.Init.qvd, 3.LoadContainerMap.qvs and 2.LoadVariableCSV.qvs to work better with Incremental load

Automatic update 1.3.x to 1.3.1 via the deploy tool, just point Extract Location to your QDF root path.

Only vanilla QDF should be updated automatically, custom modifications of 1.Init.qvs will be removed.

Deploy Tool.PNG.png

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