The easiest workaround is to get the bundle (jar) created by Studio, unjar it, modify a context (file is named service.xml or beans.xml) in OSGI-INF/blueprint and jar it back and deploy a bundle again. You'd modify a JAXWS or JAXRS endpoint declaration by adding the property like this:
<jaxrs:server addres="/someaddress">
<entry key="org.apache.cxf.endpoint.private" value="true"/>
or do the same for jaxws:endpoint.
Actually the simpler option is:
etc/org.apache.cxf.osgi.cfg file may have CXF specific properties set.
So what you can do is set "org.apache.cxf.servlet.hide-service-list-page" to true, but note a user will probably see the error when accessing the page...
"org.apache.cxf.servlet.service-list-page-authenticate" property is also available - so may be you can 'open' the page to admins only, I haven't tried it though,
HTH, Sergey