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Contributor III
Contributor III

How do i Download Soap attachment (payload) as XML

Hi  Everyone, 

I am stuck in soap call, when trying to download attachment(payload) as xml. 

After following this steps 

1. SOAP to xyz system:
a. SOAP Endpoint to call: https://A/SOAP/URL
b. Attached Request XML
c. Attached Response XML, and its Attachment XML
d.  when we call this SOAP call, we have to download the attachment(payload) XML and create a file out of it.


Created Input design flow


tFileInputXML >> tsoap >> tFileOutputXML >>extract payload >> extract  XML field  >> tFileOutputDelimited

Looking for design flow so that i am able to download the attachment(payload) XML just after soap component. 


Thanks in advance.



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What is the problem you meet now? Are you able to call the SOAP web service?
The response of tSOAP is a string or a Document, you can output the Document to a XML file directly with tFileOutputXML or extract data from the response.




Here is an example of the problem. This particular response happens to be from an Oracle SOAP service. The response is a bit truncated when I pasted it so the full binary payload is not visible below.


When I use tSOAP to make the same call, the tSOAP component stops before the second ------=_Part_1166276_1680530213.1638284884616 tag.


This is the response from the SOAP call using SOAPUI. In the response you can see that there are two Content-ID tags., and two ------=_Part_1166276_1680530213.1638284884616 tags.


The problem then is how do we get access to the binary data. That is the attachment that we need to download from the response.


Any ideas?

Thank you



HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Server: Oracle-HTTP-Server

X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: 005oWBgYfBqA_M5_rPO5yY0002ek0000Ls

SOAPAction: ""

Content-Encoding: gzip

Content-Type: multipart/related;type="application/xop+xml";boundary="----=_Part_1166276_1680530213.1638284884616";start="<bc92b463-3bc0-4b93-8174-fce08fd644d9>";start-info="text/xml"

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Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 15:08:04 GMT

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Vary: Accept-Encoding

Connection: Transfer-Encoding

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Content-Type: application/xop+xml;charset=UTF-8;type="text/xml"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-ID: <bc92b463-3bc0-4b93-8174-fce08fd644d9>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

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