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Contributor II
Contributor II

How to import 3rd party library when jar file cannot be downloaded

Hello, I'd like to use or Aspose.words in a talend job.  Previously when we needed some third party jars (AWS secrets manager related), we downloaded the jars manually from mvnrepository.  

However, in this case I don't see any jar files on the Aspose website or on mvnrepository.  I only see the xml for the pom.xml. See below. 

<dependency> <groupId>com.aspose</groupId> <artifactId>aspose-words</artifactId> <version>24.2</version> </dependency>

Do I need to manually insert that xml into the talend pom.xml?   The tLibraryLoad component seems to assume that you have access to the physical jar file, which I don't have.  

I'm a decent talend developer, but I don't have much experience with third party libraries. 

Labels (1)
  • Java

2 Replies

Which Jar files are you trying to download? I see the jar files are available on the Aspose mvnrepository.


After you download the jar files, use tLibraryLoad components to load these external jars in the beginning of job. 




Contributor II
Contributor II

Hello, thanks for the reply.  The one I want is aspose-total/24.2.  But if you follow those links, you only find  a page with the pom file, not the actual jar file to download (check attachment for what I'm seeing).  Is there some way I can use the pom file in our talend project?  


Alternatively, there is also some xml here
Aspose.Total | Java Class Libraries to Process File Formats
which is the same that I copied in the main post above.