Hi all,
hopefully to get an answer to my question, I'll try to describe my problem below:
I need to load the delta from a table to another table, quit simple... I thought...
All components, source and target, are tOracleInput and tOracleOutput. The source and target sample-data looks like this:
ID(sequence) somedata
1 data1
2 data2
3 data3
4 data4
5 data5
ID somedata talendPID
1 data1 asdf
2 data2 asdf
3 data3 qwer
4 data4 qwer
As you maybe assume, I need to load the source data entry 5 without overwriting the other lines in the target table. Using the standard component-options like 'action on data' (update) didn't work for me using a flow like this:
Source main......
tMap (left join) ---> tOracleOutput Target
Target lookup..../
A second problem could be the sequence in tMap, where I create the ID... just because I wasn't able to find a function for incrementing an ID for a table.
Talend Integration Suite - PE 4.1.2
Thank you for your posts!
Best regards